Susmita Deb
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Passed BTech from REC Silchar in 1998 and MTech from IIT Delhi. Worked in NIT Silchar as assistant professor for 11+ years before joining PESIT as Associate professor. Area of interest includes control system, digital image processing.
Associate Professor, PES University, 2012 - Till date
Assistant Professor, NIT Silchar, 2000 - 2011
Gold Medalist in BTech
Subject Anchor for Control Systems, Digital Image Processing, Modern Control Theory, Signal and Systems, Power System Operation & control, Power System Analysis and Stability, High Voltage DC Transmission, Electrical Machines-I
Subject Anchor, Test coordinator, EWD coordinator, Faculty Advisor
Subject Anchor, Test coordinator, Faculty Advisor
IV Drip Control
Nonlinear Control System, Embedded System
Chaotic behaviour of circuit with memscapacitor
Yet to publish
Dual cascaded Fractional-order Chaotic Synchronization for Secure Communication with Analog Circuit Realisation,2021 IEEE Second International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI)
Speech Signal Reconstruction using Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm R. Saluja, Susmita Deb Published 2016 Computer Science International Journal of Computer Applications
MTech, IIT Delhi, 2007