M R Apoorva
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Graduated with a Masters in Structural Engineering from SJCIT, Chickaballapura in 2013, Bachelors in Civil Engineering from KVGCE, Sullia in 2011 and then served as a Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department at PESIT, Bangalore.
Assistant Professor, PES University, 2020 - till date
Assistant Professor, PES University, 10th July 2013 - 25th July 2017
Attended - TEQIP -II COE (KAnOE) sponsored workshop on 'YOUTH RESEARCH CAMP' organized by PESIT in association with PES University, Bangalore and KSIC on May 12-13, 2014.
International conferences on Civil Engineering August 21-23, 2014, organized by The society of Information Processing, bengaluru and Vijaya vittal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. Two - week ISTE workshop on Engineering Mechanics conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 26th Nov to 06th Dec, 2013.
Published Two Conference Papers: 1. International conferences on Civil Engineering August 21-23, 2014, organized by The society of Information Processing, bengaluru and Vijaya vittal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 2. Two - week ISTE workshop on Engineering Mechanics conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 26th Nov to 06th Dec, 2013.
UA20BA105 - Structural Mechanics
UA19BA255 - Structures II
UA18BA355 - Structures IV
UA17BA459 - Constitution of India
LessonPlan Co-ordinator
Co-ordinator for Digital Deliverables Uploaded in Google Drive
Process Co-ordinator
Faculty Advisor
NAAC & IQAC Co-ordinator for Criteria 5
Structural Engineering
S. V Venkatesh, M R Apoorva and G Narayana, �Response of 4 X 4 bay bays, 15 storey RC building frames with and without external steel bracings and internal steel bracings�, concrete solutions 5th international conference on concrete Repair, 1-3 September 2014.
S. V Venkatesh, M R Apoorva and G Narayana, �Behavior of 15 storey RC Building Frame with and without steel bracings and Masonry Infill at different locations for various Bay conditions subjected to Earthquake (lateral) load� pp. 222-232, International Conference on Civil Engineering, August 2014.
M.Tech (Structural Engineering), SJCIT, Chickballapur, 2011-2013
B.E (Civil Engg), K.V.G College of Engineering, Sullia, 2007-2011