Dr. Dinesh M S
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Dr. M.S.Dinesh is the Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology (UG & PG Studies) at P E S University, Bangalore. He completed Ph.d., degree from Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bangalore in the field of cell culture product as biopesticides and biofertilizers with the best thesis award from Indian Councial of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi. He has done his post doctural research programme at centre for sustainable technologies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in the field of therapeutic peptides from indigenous mesofauna awarded first place in the biopharmaceutics area by DBT-Government of India. He has completed his master degree in life sciences with first class from Bangalore University. He has 17 years of teaching and 20 years of research experience.He has handled many course subjects in the field of Biopharmaceuticals, Food Biotechnology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology , Molecular biology and Genetic Engineering. He is recognized guide for PES University and VTU to guide M.Sc., (Engg.,) Research and Ph.D., students. He has 13 International, 04 national Journal publications, also 12 International 32 National conference publications secured many best research paper awards. He is in the edutorial board of Indian Journal of applied research, Korean National centre for research resource, Indo frech cell for organic waste management, Life member Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Society for Biological Chemistry (SBC), Association for advancement in Horticultural Ecosystem (AAPMHE), Indian Society for Soil Biology and Ecology (ISSBE). Selected as a trainee researcher by Biocon academy. Presented research innovations at Chung ang university, Seoul, Korea, Krakov, Poland. He has awarded sponcered research projects in the field of bippharmaceuitcs by VTU, RGUHS, ISHWM, AICTE MDROB.
Senior Research Fellowship, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Jan.2001 to Dec.2004
Post Doctoral Fellowship, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore , Jan. 2004-Jan.2005.
Post Doctoral Fellowship, Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, through DBT-GOI , Feb.2005-June-.2006
Visiting Researcher, Korean National Research Centre on Bioresources, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South-Korea. , From Jan. 2016 till date
Biochemistry and metabolism lab
Food Biotechnology
Engineering Biology
Rhizosphere engineering
Referred the students to take up interships at Industries like Aurigiene, ITC foods, Hindustan Uniliver, MTR foods, GRB foods, Bangalore Dairy, Indus Seeds Pvt.Ltd., Monsanto Research Centre, Institutions like Indian Institute of Science , Veternary College, Hebbal, Institute of Animal Health and Veternary Biologicals, University of Agricultural Sciences. Started Campus Vermicompost Unit to treat
Recognized research Guide for Ph.D., and M.Sc., engineering through research programme for PES University and Visveswaraya Technological University. Belgaum. India.
External examiner for M.Phil (Biotechnology) students of Bangalore University, Mangalore University, Dharwad University.
Vermicompost, vermitechnolgy, vermimeal, vermiwash
Dinesh.M.S. and Geetha.K.S. 2008. Fermentation of medicinal plants for enhanced production of vitamins and Minerals using Lactobacillus acidophilus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. International Conference on Molecular Mechanism and System Biology, May 2-4, 2008, Organised by PESIT, Bangalore.
Dinesh.M.S. and. K.S. Geetha. 2007 "Antimicrobial activity of earthworm exudates on important human and plant pathogens". International Conference on Molecular Mechanism and System Biology, May 2-4, 2008, Organised by PESIT, Bangalore.
Dinesh.M.S. Geetha.K.S. 2008. "Seasonal Variation in the physic-chemical parameters of selected lakes in Bangalore" Paper presented in International conference on Molecular mechanisms and system biology, held in 2-4 May 2008, Organised by PESIT, Bangalore.
Dinesh.M.S. Delvi.M.R. and Geetha.K.S. 2006. "Effect of organic forming on species diversity and distribution of earthworms in the selected guava orchards of Bangalore rural districts" Proceedings of International Conference in Zoology, INCOZ-2006, PP.88-104.
Dinesh.M.S. Geetha.K.S. and Radha D Kale 2009. "Assay, quantification and functions of epigeic earthworm gut enzymes with special reference to vermicomposting of agricultural crop residue" Paper presented at The International Eleventh Earthworm Symposium in Korea, between 31st July to 4 August 2009. Organised by Department of Life Sciences, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
M.S.Dinesh. Geetha.K.S. and Radha D Kale 2010. "Molecular mechanisms associated with heavy metal tolerance in three epegeic earthworm species" Paper accepted for presentation in the 9th International Symposium of earthworm Ecology (ISEE9), held at Xalapa, Veracruz state, Mexico. September 5-10.
Dinesh.M.S. Geetha.K.S. Kavitha.S, Chandana.P.G. and Krishnamurthy.V 2011. "Screening the anticancerous potential of Coelomicfluid of earthworm Polypheritima elongate and Eudrilus eugeniae using Brine Shrimp Lithality Test (BSLT), Paper presented at II International conference on present trends and future prospects in pharmaceutical sciences, between 21-22 July 2011, organized by PES college of Ph
Dinesh.M.S. Geetha.K.S. Kavitha.S, Chandana.P.G. and Krishnamurthy.V 2012. "Glucoronidase and antioxidant activity of bodywall extract of Polypheritima elongate" Paper accepted for presentation in international conference on food engineering and biotechnology, going to held at Kualalumpur, Malasia, between 21-22, 2012.
Dinesh.M.S.Amrutha Raj.A.Eranna. Manjunath and Nagaraj 2012. "Screening the plant growth regulatory activity of vermiwash in the micropropagation of commercial crops" Paper accepted for presentation in international conference on food engineering and biotechnology, going to held at Kualalumpur, Malasia, between 21-22, 2012.
Dinesh.M.S. Malashree, Merry Bowmik , Krishnamurthy.V. and Radha D Kale,2013. "Plant growth promoting activity of vermiwash on commercial crops, International Conference on sustainable technologies, organised by IIT, Chennai. Pp.15-16.
Dinesh.M.S. Shrey Anand , Krishnamurthy.V. and Radha D Kale,2014. "Earthworm coelomocytes an effective source for production of Fibrinolytic enzymes" Paper presented in the International Earthworm conference, Oct.18-22, Viracruz, Brazil.pp.9-11.
Dinesh.M.S. Chandana.P.G. and Krishnamurthy.V. 2015, "Role of earthwormmetallothionin for remediation of heavy metals in soil, Paper presented in international conference on vermitechnology, Authens, Greece, November 20-23, Organised by Department of Agriculture, USDA.pp.12-15.
Post Doc, Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore. India, 2007
Ph.D, Kuvempu University, Shimoga. India, 2005
M.Sc, Bangalore University, Bangalore. India., 1997
B.Sc, Bangalore University, Bangalore. India., 1995