Pushpa K R
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Lecturer,Assistant Professor, PESIT (PESU), 2007 - Till date
Lecturer, MVJCE, 2002 - 2007
Teaching Experiance:17years Area of interest : Power Electronics and Drives, Solar photovoltaics
1.Power Electronics 2.Advanced power electronics(Switch mode converters) 3.Industrial Drives and control 4.Power quality 5.Analog Electronics Circuit 6.Electric Circuit theory 7.Micro controller 8.Linear Integrated circuits 9.Power electronics in drives and energy system 10.Modelling and simulation of power electronics system 11. Electric Machines 12.utilization of electric power
Teaching B.Tech & M.Tech courses
Elective coordinator
Faculty Advisor
Guiding UG & PG projects
Class teacher
Project coordinator
EWD coordinator
Elective coordinator
Alumni coordinator
Taught B.Tech & MTech courses
Special topic coordinator
Guided UG & PG projects
Solar photovoltaics ,Grid connected inverter control
1. Vadhiraj K P P, Pushpa K R and Dr. Rex Joseph, "A Seven Level Inverter based on Switched DC Sources" in 8th National Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies" AECT 2016-042
Attended workshops related to teaching learning and workshops related to research work
Pursuing PhD, Visvesvaraya Technological University
M.Tech(Computer Applications in Industrial Drives), MSRIT,Visvesvaraya Technological University, 2007
B.E(Electrical & Electronics), JNNCE. Kuvempu university, 2001