Kavitha R V
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
To take part actively in creative and innovative technologies and expertise in the area of chemical engineering both in research as well as teaching.
Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, PES Institute of Technology, 2007 - Now
Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, Acharya Institute of Technology, 2004 - 2007
Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, Sir. MVIT, 2003 - 2004
Our project entitled ?Biosorption of hexavalent chromium using tamarind seeds? was awarded I consolation prize in SANKALPA Innovative Idea Presentation conducted by CORI, PESIT on 25th Feb 2012
Our project paper entitled ?Bio-degradation of Azo dyes by different Microbial species and determining optimum parameters? was awarded II Best paper in a National Symposium conducted by BMSCE, Bangalore on 28th Apr 2012
Biochemical Equipment Design and Drawing using CAED
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Momentum Transfer
Unit Operations
Bioprocess and Bioreaction Engineering
Lab to Industrial scaling
Fluid Mechanics & Mechanical Operations
Heat transfer and Mass Transfer
Process Control and automation
Downstream process Technology
Environmental Biotechnology
Metabolic engineering
Bioprocess Design and Economics
Department EWD Coordinator
Organizing and coordinating various workshops, distinguished lectures, seminars at department level
Class Teacher
Study of the process efficiency of chemisorption & biosorption for the removal of chromium ions from domestic waste water using tamarind seeds
Biosorption of chromium and lead from domestic waste water using tamarind seeds and crab shells by constructing microbial analyzer using multiple protein expression.
Database of ligand-receptor for structure based drug designing
Presented a paper on "Designing of a temperature control loop in a bioreactor" in a National Symposium conducted by BMSCE, on 28th Apr 2012
Presented a paper on "Development of health oriented nutrilife whey beverage" in a National Symposium conducted by BMSCE, on 28th Apr 2012.
Presented a paper on "Production of beer using finger millet as an adjunct" in a National Symposium conducted by BMSCE, on 28th Apr 2012.
Presented a paper on "Bio-degradation of Azo dyes by different Microbial species and determining optimum parameters" in a National Symposium conducted by BMSCE, Bangalore on 11-13th Apr 2012.
Presented a paper on "Isolation, screening, biochemical characterization, production and purification of amylase enzyme from soil bacteria" in a National Conference conducted by MIT, Manipal, on 14-16th Apr 2012.
Presented a paper on "Prospects on various implications of scaffold based tissue Engineering" in a National Conference conducted by MSRIT Bangalore on 11-13th Apr 2012.
Presented a paper on "Optimized production of Bacteriorhodopsin" in a National Conference conducted by MSRIT Bangalore on 11-13th Apr 2012.
Presented a paper on "Comparison of bio-degradation of Azo dyes among different Microbial species and establishment of optimum parameters" in a National Conference conducted by MSRIT Bangalore on 11-13th Apr 2012.
Presented a paper on "Biosorption: An impact of different pretreatment methods for evaluating pH & degree of kinetics for Lead & Zinc using Mucor rouxii" in Bangalore India BIO 2012 Conducted on 6-8 th Feb 2012.
Presented a paper on "Street lights replaced by Bioluminescent trees" in SANKALPA Innovative Idea Presentation conducted by CORI, PESIT on 25th Feb 2012.
Presented a paper on "Production of bacteriorhodopsin using halobacterioum" in SANKALPA Innovative Idea Presentation conducted by CORI, PESIT on 25th Feb 2012.
Presented a paper on "Biosorption of hexavalent chromium using tamarind seeds" in SANKALPA Innovative Idea Presentation conducted by CORI, PESIT on 25th Feb 2012.
Presented a paper on "Detection of chronic carriers of Salmonella Typhimurium in Rodents and its utilization in phage therapy" in SANKALPA Innovative Idea Presentation conducted by CORI, PESIT on 25th Feb 2012.
Presented a paper on "Analysis of Design of Fermenter & process modeling of Hemorrhagic Septicemia (HS) vaccine production" in a National Conference conducted by BIET, Davanagere on 21st Oct 2011.
Presented a paper on "Efficiency study of Effluent treatment plant at CIPLA, a pharmaceutical plant in Bangalore" in a National Conference conducted by BIET,Davanagere on 21st Oct 2011
Presented a paper on "Heavy metal Biosorption by fungi, its mechanisms and influence of various parameters" in a National Conference conducted by Tumkur University on 21st Sep 2011.
Presented a paper on "Removal of chromium ions from industrial waste waters by staphylococcus saphrophyticus" in a National Conference conducted by Pune from 13-14th Nov 2010
Presented a paper on "Heavy metal removal by Biosorption" in a National Conference conducted by PESIT from 29-31 st Oct 2009
Presented a paper on "Effect of pretreatment of Biosorption of heavy metal ions on Mucor rouxii" in an International Symposium conducted by S.V.University, Tirupathi from 25-27 th July 2009
Presented a paper on "Spatial Distribution of suspended particulates in Banepa, a semi- urban area of Nepal" in a National Conference conducted by M.V.J.College of Engineering, Bangalore, on 17 th March 2009
Presented a paper on "Extraction of Horseradish Peroxidase using Reverse Micelles" in a National Conference conducted by M.V.J.College of Engineering, Bangalore, on 17 th March 2009
Presented a paper on "Assessment of traffic Noise pollution in Banepa" in a National Symposium conducted by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore, on 7 th March 2009
Presented a paper on "Biosorption of heavy metals using Aspergillus niger" in Young Researchers Conference conducted by Institute of chemical Technology, Mumbai, on 27-28 Jan 2009
Presented a paper on "Biosorption of heavy metals using pseudomonas species" in a National Conference conducted by Rajalakshmi college of Engineering, Tamilnadu, Chennai, 2008
Presented a paper on "Environmental Biotechnology - remedies for ozone layer depletion" in a National Conference conducted by Rajalakshmi college of Engineering, Tamilnadu, Chennai, 2008
Presented a poster on "Isolation, screening, Biochemical characterization, pilot scale production and partial purification of Amylase from soil bacteria- Bacillus species" in an International Conference conducted in PESIT campus, Bangalore, from 2-4 May 2008
Presented a paper on "Performance and Efficiency study of sewage treatment plant" in an International Conference conducted in PESIT campus, Bangalore, from 2-4 May 2008
Published a paper on "Potential study of A.niger in the removal of chromium (VI) from industrial wastewater based on the physico-chemical properties of metal solution" in the International Journal of Environmental Pollution Control & Management (IJEPCM), pages 29-37, vol no-1, Jan-June 2012.
Published a paper on "Biosorption: An Eco-Friendly Technique for the Removal of Heavy Metals" in the Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), Volume: 2, Issue: 3, December 2012. (I F 3.919).
Published a paper on "Physico-Chemical analysis of effluents from pharmaceutical industry and its efficiency study" in the International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012, pp.103-110.
Published a paper on "Bioleaching of pyrite ores using Facultative anaerobes" in the International Journal of Scientific Research and Applications (IJSR), Volume: 5, Issue: 3, March 2016. (I F 3.508).
Published a paper on "Performance evaluation and biological treatment of dairy waste water treatment plant by upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor" in the International Journal of Chemical & Petrochemical Technology (IJCPT), pages 9-20, vol 3, Issue 1, March 2013. (I F2.5673).
M.Tech Chemical Engineering, DSCE, Bangalore, 2010
B.E. Chemical Engineering, MSRIT, Bangalore, 2001
Ph.D, Chemical Engineering, RVCE, Bangalore, 2011