Dr. Anuradha M
- Teaching
Dr. Anuradha M has received her Bachelor and Master Degrees in Engineering from Bangalore University. She is a topper in Advanced Control System subject and stood second in the University in Master Degree. She has been awarded with a Doctoral degree from the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. After being with Karnataka Electricity Board, as a trainee at Bangalore, for one year, associated with P.E.S. Institute of Technology, since 1992 in various capacities as Lecturer, Assistant Professor in ECE Department, PESIT till 2001, and as Head of the Department and Professor of TE Department PESIT till May 2018. From June 2017, she served as Chairperson of ECE Department, PESU till July 2023. Currently working as Professor in ECE Department, PES University. Her areas of research include Distributed Generation, Microgrids, Reliability, Antennas and Electromagnetics. She has completed an in-house project funded by PES. She has many research papers to her credit and received appreciation from CPRI along with an incentive for the Journal 1ed in The Journal of CPRI. Several technical Workshops and Seminars have been organized in the areas of Control Systems, Reliability, Electromagnetics, Antennas, Mobile Communication, Renewable Energy. She has also organized workshops on Spiritual topics, Yoga and Personality Development. To augment the theoritical knowledge with practical exposure, she has initiated Industrial visits to BSNL, AIR, SPT, ISRO, BEL, BHEL, Micropack, P&T. She enjoys in serving the community; arranged several activities for Govt. School children and visually challenged students. Under her leadership, the department has won Best department stall award many times in PRAKALPA event organized by the Institute.
Professor and Chairperson, ECE Department, PES University, 2017 - 2023
Professor and Head of the Department, TE, PES University, 2004 - 2017
Asst. professor, PES University, 2001 - 2004
Lecturer, PES University, 1992 - 2001
Professor, ECE, PES University, 2023 - Till date
Teaching: 32+ years and Industry: 1 year
Visiting faculty - Invited to teach a course in an Engineering College.
Developed e- learning content for Edurite Technologies.
Conducted free coaching classes for students of various Engineering colleges for more than five years in Bangalore.
Initiated "Jagruthi", a Community Development Program for teaching the students of Govt.
School and visually challenged people.
Received appreciation letter with an honorarium from Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore and PESU for the Journal publication.
Basic Electrical Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Electric circuits
Network Analysis and Synthesis
Control systems
Fields and Waves
Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Antenna Theory and Design
Reliability Engineering
Renewable Energy Sources
Wind Electrical Systems
Power Electronics
Professor and Chairperson-ECE Department, PES University
Professor and HoD-TE Department, PES Institute of Technology
BoS member Secretary, ECE Department,PESU
Handled various Administrative responsibilities at Department level and University level.
Chief Superintendent - VTU Examinations
BoS member -VTU
Chief Superintendent - CET/COMED-K Examinations
Internal Audit Committee Member and Chairman
Member of Department Advisory Board, ECE Department, RNSIT, Bangalore
Guiding two research scholars in the area of Smart Grid and 5G/6G under PES University
System Reliability
Smart Grid
Controls and Robotics
Distributed Generation
Prediction Techniques
Most of the research is in focussed in the area of Renewable energy, IoT, AR, Microgrid and Smart Grid
Comparative Analysis of Marker and Marker-less Augmented Reality in Education, 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), Nov 6-8, 2020, Bengaluru (Virtual), IEEE xplore.
"EDGE Computing Application in SMART GRID- A Review" "2nd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems ICESC 2021" which is going to be held during 4-6, August 2021 at Coimbatore, India.
Hybrid Prediction Model For Type-2 Diabetes With Class Imbalance,IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Network Tehnologies (ICMLANT) 2020, Hyderabad, IEEE xplore.
Driver Fatigue Detection, 11-13 Dec 2020, INDICON, IEEE xplore.
Thermal Image Processing and Analysis for Surveillance UAVs,ICTCS 2020 - Jaipur, IEEE xplore.
Comparitive Analysis of Markov Chain and Polynomial Regression for the Prognostic Evaluation of wind power, Nov 6-8, 2020, Bengaluru (Virtual), IEEE xplore.
Augmented Reality rendered for IOT Applications, 14-15 Dec 2019, INDICON, Rajkot, India. (Scopus Indexed)
Stochastic Approach for the State-Wise Forecast of Wind Speed Using Discrete Time Markov Chain, 17-20 Oct 2019, TENCON, Kochi, India.(Scopus Indexed)
Models for the estimation of life of stator insulation in large rotating machines", Bangalore / 24-28 July 2012/ 10.1109/ICPADM .2012.6318920/ IEEE Xplore: 04 Oct 2012.
Models for the estimation of life of stator insulation in large rotating machines", Bangalore / 24-28 July 2012/ 10.1109/ICPADM .2012.6318920/ IEEE Xplore: 04 Oct 2012.
Optical Control of Phased Array antenna, national Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (NACT), Kumbakonam, 29 - 30, Jan. 2009.
Optically Controlled Microwave Devices, International Conference on Microwaves and Optoelectronics (ICMO), Aurangabad, 17 - 20 Dec. 2008.
Optical Controlled MMICs for Phased Array Antenna control in Radars, IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves (ISMO), 3 - 6 Dec.2008.
A compact optical source for under water wireless communication and Imaging, National Conference on VLSI and Communication, NC-VCom, Kottayam, 16-17 Mar.2007.
Blue green laser beam for under water Imaging, National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (NCICT), Mumbai 1 - 3 Mar. 2007.
International Conferences : 15
Probabilistic Modeling And Forecasting Of Wind Power, International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 04, July 2016, pp. 353-368, Totem Publisher, Inc., 4625 Stargazer Dr., Plano, Texas 75024, U.S.A. Prediction of Load Demand in Home Area Network Using LSTM, Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol. 20, No.4, Engineering and Scientific Research Groups (ESR Groups).
Regression models in wind power forecasting, The Journal of CPRI, Vol. 11, No. 03, Sep 2015, pp. 575-582.
Journals : 3
Completed In-house project titled "GPS Analysis for Multipath Mitigation" along with Prof. Geetha Prakash, E&C Dept.
Delivered Invited talks
Chairig the session in Conference
Ph.D, JNTUA, Anantapur, 2018
M.E, UVCE, Bangalore, 1995
B.E, DSCE, Bangalore, 1990