Ramachandra P
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Assistant Professor, MVJ College of Engineering, 2012 - 2014
B.E :Consolidation and permeability charecteristics of compacted fine grained soils
M.E :Parametric study of a gable frame based on wind forces from various international design wind codes.
Ph.D Thesis :A study on the characterization and use of recycled aggregates and steel slag in self compacting concrete
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Design of RC structural Elements
Structural Analysis 2
Design and drawing of Steel Structures
Computer Aided Structures Lab
Placement Co ordinator
Anti Ragging Committee Co-Ordinator
Budget Co-Ordinator
Alumini Co ordinator
Faculty Advisor for 5th semester
ICI Student Capter Co ordinator
Placement Co ordinator
Budget Co ordinator
ICI Student Capter Co ordinator
Dr. P.S. Niranjan
Concrete Technology
Structural Dynamics
Experimental investigation on self-compacting using recycled coarse aggregate and granulated blast furnace slag
International Conference: 1
B.E(Civil Engineering), VTU, 2010
M.Tech(Structural Engineering), VTU, 2012
Ph.D (pursuing)Civil Engineering, VTU, 2016