Suganthi J
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Assistant Professor, PES University, 2012
Digital Switching Systems
Information Theory and Coding
Antenna Theory and Wave propagation
Wireless Communication
Error control Coding
Satellite communication
Advanced digital communication
Advanced Wireless Communication
Wireless and mobile networks
Microwave Communication
Basic Electronics
Antenna Theory and Design
NBA co-ordinator
Class co-ordinator
Web upload co-ordinator
credit course co-ordinator
EWD Co-ordinator
Test Co-ordinator
QEEE Co-ordinator
Lab In charge
Summer term and Fast Track Co-ordinator
Internship Co-ordinator
Identity Co-ordinator
Metamaterial based Microstrip Patch Antenna for Satellite Communication Application
XY-YZ-ZX Plane Spiral Antenna
Spiral Fold X Antenna
Working on Software Defined Radio (SDR)
Handling and developing projects on SDR
Conducting workshops and seminars on SDR
Working with Open source software like GNU Radio.
1. GPS Antenna
2. Conformal Antenna
Telemedicine: Emerging Technologies, Applications and Impact on Health Care Outcomes Chapter5 A Portable Telemedicine Emergency Device for Patients with Neurological Disorders ISBN: 978-1-63483-466-7
DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF MICROSTRIP FRACTAL PATCH ANTENNA Nitish Kumar P 1, Pavan R2, Suganthi J3, T.Kavitha 4 1 Student of PES University, Bangalore, India 2 Student of PES University, Bangalore, India 3Department of ECE, PES University, Bangalore, India 4 Department of ECE, PES University, Bangalore, India, 2, , 4 drtkavitharaj
Survey on metamaterial antennas J Suganthi1, T Kavitha2 and V Ravindra1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1070, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET 2020) 4TH-5TH December 2020, Tamil Nadu, India Citation J Suganthi et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1070 012086
Twelfth IEEE and IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication NetworksWOCN 2015 Conference Program TITLE:Design of Fiber Channel Based High Speed Serial Transmitter for Video Protocol on FPGA AUTHOR:Naimahmed Nesaragi, B. Pradeep Kumar, Dr. C.M. Ananda, J.Suganthi "
"Ring monopole antenna for Tera-Hertz application": Author links open overlay panelS. Prasad JonesChristydass, J.Suganthi, S.Kavitha,R.Yuvarajd
TITLE:Design of Accurate Navigation System by Integrating INS and GPS using Extended Kalman Filter International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181"
IEEE-20180 Medical Alert Systems with TeleHealth & Telemedicine Monitoring Using GSM and GPS Technology Suganthi.J.# , N.V.Umareddy # and Nitin Awasthi*
1.Patent Application Published, Application Number- 202041039227, Journal Number- 38/2020, Journal Date- 18/09/2020 Title of the invention : METAMATERIAL INSPIRED MIMO TRIPLE BAND ANTENNA WITH IMPROVED ISOLATION
2.Patent Application Published, Application Number- 202041034103, Journal Number- 36/2020, Journal Date- 04/09/2020 TITLE OF THE INVENTION:COMB SHAPED ANTENNA WITH SRR FOR ISM, WLAN AND WIFI
BE, Bharathidasan University
M.Tech, VTU
Ph.D, VTU, 2019-Ongoing