Dr. Sridhar K S
Registrar, Professor
- Teaching
Registrar & Professor, P E S University, Bangalore, 2020 - Till date
Professor & Chairperson, P E S University, Bangalore, 2017 - 2020
Professor & Principal, PESIT, Bangalore, 2014 - 2017
Mechanical Vibration
Control Engineering
Design of Machine Elements
Machine Drawing
Engineering Dynamics
Kinematics of Machine
Placement Head
Was a member BOE in U.G. in Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore University, for two terms
Was the chief coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Development cell, at PESIT [Funded by AICTE, new Delhi]
Was a member of the selection committee of Faculty members at PESIT
Co-ordinated with M/s General Motors Techical centre, India [G.M.T.C.I] for setting up PACE [Parterner for Advancement of Curriculum in Engineering Education Centre ] at PESIT, the first such centre in the country
Convener ISTE Faculty Convention helf at PESIT during November 2011
Member, Enterprise Development technology and Innovation Committee, FKCCI, Bangalore PACE, GM Motors
Composite Materials
Casting and Simulation
Friction and Wear Behaviour of Impact Extrusions of Al6061-SiC Composites, STLE International Conference, Atlanta, USA
Comparing Thermodynamic and Surface Energy models to evaluate and reassess Copper-Nickel bulk and Nano Phase Diagrams, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 577 (1), 012125
Slurry erosive wear behavior of hot extruded Al6061-Si3N4 composite, Materials Science Forum 773, 454-460
Experimental Research on Influence of Hardware Infrastructure Sizing on Optimization of PLM System Performance in Auto Industry, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013
Role of Tuning Parameters in Performance Optimization of PLM systems in Auto Industry, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN : 2319-7323, Vol. 2 No.04 July 2013.
Development and Evaluation of Electrical Property of Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 25-30
Influence of Development Architecture on Performance Optimization of PLM Systems in Auto Industry, International Journal of Research and Management
Effect of Corner Radii on the Thermal & Fluid Flow Performance of the Laminar Flow through Rectangular Micro Channel, International Journal of Thermal Technologies, E-ISSN 2277 - 4114
Comparative study for improving the thermal and fluid flow performance of micro channel fin geometries using numerical simulation, American Journal of Engineering Research 4 (7), 73-82
Merging of Solidus and Liquidus Curves in Copper-Nickel Nanophase Diagram due to Segregation, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D 100 (2), 243-253
Experimental investigation of microchannel heat sink with modified hexagonal fins, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 12 (3), 647-655
Experimental & numerical study of forced convection laminar flow through copper micro channel heat sink,International journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 3 (12), 103-111
HVOF sprayed Inconel 718/cubic boron nitride composite coatings: microstructure, microhardness and slurry erosive behaviour, Materials Research Express 6 (12), 1265i8
Ph.D, Bangalore University, 2009
M.E, Bangalore University, 1991
B.E, Bangalore University, 1986