Dr. Sudarshan T S B
Dean of Research, Professor
- Teaching
Dean of Research, PES University, 2017 - Present
Professor, Dept. of CSE, PES University, 2017 - Present
Head, Research, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore Campus, 2015 - 2017
Prof. & Chairman, Dept. of CSE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore Campus, 2009 - 2017
Head, Dept. of CS & IS, BITS, Pilani (Pilani Campus), 2007 - 2009
Asst. Professor, Dept. of CS & IS, BITS, Pilani (Pilani Campus), 2002 - 2009
Lecturer, Dept. of CS, PESIT, Bangalore, 1995 - 1998
Lecturer, MVIT, Bangalore, 1993 - 1995
Nokia Research Scholarship during PhD in BITS, Pilani (Pilani Campus)
Invite and Travel Grant for attending Microsoft Faculty Summit, Microsoft Research, Seattle, WA, USA, July 2008.
Was awarded "Fellow of the Institute", in Applied Innovation Institute, USA for 2013-2014.
Supervised a project "Design of a Low Power Network Processor for the Zigbee Wireless Protocol" which won First Runner-Up position in Intel India Student Research Contest 2005-2006 held at Intel India, Bangalore
Supervised a project "Power Efficient Cooperative Cache Coherency for Chip Multiprocessors" which reached the final 10 out of 145 entries in Intel India Student Research Contest 2006-2007 held at Intel India, Bangalore
Best Presentation Award for "Variable Forwarding Cache Coherence for Chip Multiprocessors" at International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Goa, December 2007
Best Presentation Award for "Universal Parallel Multiplier Architecture using Urdhva Triyakbhyam Sutrai" at 15th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Kochi, December 2009
est Paper Award for "Deep Dive into Faces: Pose & Illumination invariant Emotion Recognition System for Multiple Faces", at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, Nov 2019
28+ years of Teaching and Research experience
Digital Design & Computer Organisation
Multicore Architectures
Microprocessor & Computer Architecture
Heterogeneous Parallelism
Parallel Computing
Reconfigurable Computing
FPGA Based System Design
Hardware-Software Codesign
Embedded Systems for Robotics
Testable Design and Fault Tolerant Computing
Behavioural Robotics
Swarm Intelligence
Computer Programming
Unix & C Programming
Data Structures
Microcontroller System & Applications
Embedded System Design
Advanced Computer Architecture
Advanced Microprocessors
Research Methodology & Technical Communication
Research and Publications Ethics
Dean of Research
Related to Research Activities
Assisting in Campus Administration
Dr. Nandagopalan. S. "Efficient and Automated Echocardiographic Image Analysis through Data Mining Techniques", Awarded in 2012
Dr. Juhi R Srivastava, "Cache Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Soft Computing Techniques", Awarded in 2017
Current PhD Scholars
Heterogeneous Computer Architecture & Computing
Embedded Systems & Robotics
Mobile Networks & IoT
Aniruddha Mysore, Sudarshan TSB, "Robotic Exploration Algorithms in Simulated Environments with Python", 9th Intl. Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, Nov 27-29, 2020, Arad, Romania, Proceedings in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer
Adish Rao, Sudarshan TSB, "Performance of Artificial Intelligence Applications on Embedded Parallel Platforms using Python as the language Tool", 9th Intl. Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, Nov 27-29, 2020, Arad, Romania, Proceedings in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer
Prashanth C Ravoor, Sudarshan TSB, R Krishnan, "Digital Borders: Design of an Animal Intrusion Detection System based on Deep Learning", 5th Intl. Conf. on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP 2020), Dec 4-6, 2020, Allahabad, Springer Nature CS Special Issue Progress in Image Processing, pp 186-200. (Indexed in Scopus)
Suchitra Saxena, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB, "Deep Facial Emotion Recognition System under Facial Mask Occlusion", 5th Intl. Conf. on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP 2020), Dec 4-6, 2020, Allahabad, Springer Nature CS Special Issue Progress in Image Processing. (Indexed in Scopus)
Suchitra Saxena, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB, "Deep Robot-Human Interaction with Facial Emotion Recognition using Gated Recurrent Units & Robotic Process Automation" , 3rd Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MILS 2020), Nov 8-10, 2020, IOS Press Proceedings of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol 332, 2020. (Indexed in Scopus)
Rohan M, Rohan R Talesara, Saloni Govil, Snehanshu Saha, Soma S Dhavala, Sudarshan TSB, "A New Approach for Momentum Particle Swarm Optimization", Springer Nature, Advances in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, Proc. Of ICMLCI 2019, Dec 2019, Bhubaneswar, pp 47-63. (Indexed in Scopus)
Nikhil Khatri, Priya Bagaria and Sudarshan TSB, "A Parallel Heterogeneous Computation Library for Embedded ARM Clusters", IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), Bangalore, July 2020, IEEE Xplore, pp 1-6. (Indexed in Scopus)
Snehanshu Saha, Tejas Prashanth, Suraj Aralihalli, Sumedh Basarkod, T.S.B Sudarshan and Soma S Dhavala, "LALR: Theoretical and Experimental validation of Lipschitz Adaptive Learning Rate in Regression and Neural Networks", IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Glasgow, UK, July 2020. IEEE Xplore, pp 1-8. (Indexed in Scopus)
Ashiwini V Sayagavi, Sudarshan TSB, Prashanth C Ravoor, "Deep Learning Methods for Animal Recognition and Tracking to Detect Intrusions", 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS), Ahmedabad, SIST, Springer, May 2020. pp 617-626. (Indexed in Scopus)
Karthik Gurunathan, Kaustubh Kartikey, TSB Sudarshan and Divyaprabha KN, "Case for Dynamic Parallelisation using Learning Techniques", IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication System and Network Technologies, Gwalior, MP, April 2020. IEEE Xplore, pp 32-39. (Indexed in Scopus)
Pavan Yekbote, Poojita Raj, Ravi S Anupindi, Sudarshan TSB "An Extensible Framework for Task Partitioning on Heterogeneous Systems", CSI2020: International Conference on Digital Democracy-IT for Change, Bhubaneswar, CCIS, Springer, Jan 2020 (Indexed in Scopus)
Suchitra S, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB, "Deep Dive into Faces: Pose & Illumination invariant Emotion Recognition System for Multiple Faces", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, Nov 2019. IEEE Xplore, pp 1088-1093. (Indexed in Scopus)
Nikhil Khatri, Nitin B, Sudarshan TSB, "PHINEAS: An Embedded Heterogeneous Parallel Platform", Asian Conference on Supercomputing Frontiers, Singapore, March 2019. Springer Supercomputing Frontiers, pp 57-70 (Indexed in Scopus)
Shreya Varshney, Sudarshan TSB, Sangita Khare, "Efficient Hardware Architecture for Amalgam of Blowfish and RC6" IEEE International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics & Communication (ICCTCEEC), Mysore, 8th & 9th September, 2017. IEEE Xplore, pp 1126-1130. (Indexed in Scopus)
Bhasuthkar Niharika, Sudarshan TSB, "Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller for Solar Powered mUAV", IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals & Instrumentation Engineering, Chennai, 21st & 22nd September, 2017, IEEE Xplore, pp 1795-1798. (Indexed in Scopus)
Sravya Chinasani, Uma Maheswari B, Sudarshan TSB, "Cluster Based Fault Tolerant Architecture for Multicasting Data in Wireless Sensor Network", International Conference on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation (SmartTechCon), Bangalore, August 2017. IEEE Xplore, pp 514-517. (Indexed in Scopus)
Karanam Vaishnavi, Uma Maheshwari B, Sudarshan TSB, "Overlay Based Fault Tolerant Peer to Peer Multicasting for Emergency Data Communication in VANETS", International Conference on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation, Bangalore, August 2017. IEEE Xplore, pp 510-513. (Indexed in Scopus
Radhakrishnan G, Deepa Gupta, Sudarshan TSB, "Pattern Identification of Robotic Environments using Machine Learning Techniques", 7th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, Kochi, Elsevier Procedia Computer Science, vol 115, pp 63-71, August 2017. (Indexed in Scopus)
Mamtha I, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB, "Convolution Based Efficient Architecture for 1-D DWT", International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA 2017), Noida, May 2017. IEEE Xplore, pp 1436-1440. (Indexed in Scopus)
Meena Belwal, Sudarshan TSB, "Source to Source Translation: Impact on the Performance of High Level Synthesis", International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA 2017), Noida, May 2017, IEEE Xplore, pp 951-956. (Indexed in Scopus)
Meena Belwal, Sudarshan TSB, "A Study of Memory Access Patterns as an Indicator of Performance in High-Level Synthesis", International Conference on Smart Systems, Innovations and Computing (SSIC 2017), Jaipur, April 2017. Springer, pp 637-650. (Indexed in Scopus) (Best Paper Award)
Juhi R. Srivasatava, Sudarshan TSB, "Energy Efficient Cache Node Placement Using Genetic Algorithm with Probabilistic Delta Consistency using Flexible Combination of Push and Pull Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks", 7th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2016), Arad, Romania, August 2016, LNCS Springer, pp 143-163. (Indexed in Scopus)
N Parvathy, Bhargavi R. Upadhyay, T S B Sudarshan, "Cache Coherency: A Walkthrough of Mechanisms and Challenges", International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), March 2016, IEEE Xplore, pp 2251-2256. (Indexed in Scopus)
Mamtha I, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB, "Pipelined Architecture for Filter Bank Based 1-D DWT", 2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), Feb 2016, (Available on IEEE Xplore,Indexed in Scopus )
Maheswari B U, Sudarshan T S B, "Reputation Based Mesh-Tree Cluster Hybrid Architecture for P2P Live Streaming", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems, ICDCS 2016, March 2016, (Available on IEEE Xplore,Indexed in Scopus )
Bhargavi R. Upadhyay, Sudarshan T.S.B., "Design Space Exploration - A Survey", International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization techniques", (ICEEOT), March 2016, Chennai, India pp 2294-2297 (Available on IEEE Xplore,Indexed in Scopus ).
Mamtha I, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan T.S.B., "Pipelined Architecture for filter Bank Based 1-D DWT", 2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated networks (SPIN), Feb 2016, Noida, India, pp 47-52. (Available on IEEE Xplore, Indexed in Scopus ).
M.Reshma, Priyanka Vivek, Radhakrishnan G, Deep Gupta, Sudarshan T.S.B., "Multi-view Robotic Time Series Data Clustering and Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques" Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems (SIRS-2015) December 16-19, 2015, Trivandrum, India. (Indexed in Scopus)
Meena Belwal, Madhura P, Sudarshan TSB, "Enabling Seemless Execution on CPU/FPGA Systems: Challenges & Directions", 25th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2015), Sept 2015, Imperial College, London, pp 1-8, 2015 (Indexed in Scopus)
Meena Belwal, TSB Sudarshan, "Intermediate Representation for Heterogeneous Multi-core: A Survey", 2015 IEEE International Conference on VLSI-SATA, Jan 2015, pp 1-6, (Available on IEEE Xplore,Indexed in Scopus ).
Meena Belwal, Sudarshan, T.S.B, "A Survey on Design Space Exploration for Heterogeneous Multi-core". 2014 International Conference on Embedded System (ICES-2014) July 2014, Coimbatore, India, pp 80-85. (Available on IEEE Xplore,Indexed in Scopus ).
Mamatha I, Nikhita Raj J , Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB, "Systolic Architecture Implementation of 1D DFT and 1D DCT" at IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems, to be held at NIT Calicut from Feb 19-21, 2015. (Available in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus)
Swetha Sreedharan, Radhakrishnan G, Deepa Gupta, Sudarshan TSB, "Analysis of Robotic Environment using Low Resolution Image Sequence", 2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, 27-29 November 2014, Mysore, India.
Shivendra Mishra, Radhakrishnan G, Deepa Gupta, Sudarshan TSB, "Acquisition and Analysis of Robotic Data Using Machine Learning Techniques". Springer, SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 3- Proceedings of the International Conference on CIDM, 20-21 December 2014 (ICCIDM-2014), Sambalpur, India. pp 489-498.
Radhakrishnan G, Meenu Murali, Deepa Gupta, Sudarshan TSB, "Clustering of Robotic Environments Using Image Sequence Data". Proceeding of Eighth International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing (ICDMW-2014), 25-27 July 2014, Bangalore, Inderscience Publications. pp 153-159.
Radhakrishnan Gopalapillai, Vidhya J, Deepa Gupta, Sudarshan TSB. "Classification of Robotic Data using Artificial Neural Network", Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS), 2013 IEEE Recent Advances in, December 19-21, 2013, Trivandrum, India. pp 333-337.
Radhakrishnan Gopalapillai,Deepa Gupta, Sudarshan Tsb, "Experimentation and Analysis of Time Series Data for Rescue Robotics". Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI'13), August 23-24 2013, Mysore, India.(Springer, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 235, 2014, pp 443-453. (Indexed in Scopus)
Radhakrishnan, G; Gupta, Deepa; Abhishek, R; Ajith, Ankita; Sudarshan, TSB, "Analysis of multimodal time series data of robotic environment," Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2012 12th International Conference on , Kochi, India, 27-29 Nov. 2012, pp.734-739 (Indexed in Scopus)
Nimisha. C, Sreeja Kochuvila, Sudarshan. T. S. B, Nagaraja. S. R, "Flexible Foot System for a Biped Robot", IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Communication, Control and Computing (I4 C 2014), 20-22 November 2014, Bangalore (Included in IEEE Xplore and Scopus).
Sreeja Balakrishnan, Shikha Tripathi and Sudarshan T S B, "Control of a Biped Robot with Flexible Foot on an Uneven Terrain", IEEE 7th International conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfs2014), 22-24 December 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Included in IEEE Xplore and Scopus).
Anand A, Nithya M. and Sudarshan TSB, "Coordination of Mobile Robots with Master-Slave Architecture for a Service Application", 2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), November 27-29, 2014, Mysore, India, pp 539-543 (Indexed in IEEE Xplore and Scopus)
Rajesh M., Gana Rani Jose, Sudarshan T.S.B.; "Multi Robot Exploration and Mapping using Frontier Cell Concept", 11th IEEE India Conference INDICON 2014, Pune, India, 11th - 13th December 2014. - The conference is Scopus indexed.
Rajesh M., Roni Joseph, Sudarshan T.S.B.; "Fully Distributed and Decentralized Map Building for Multi-Robot Exploration", International Conference on 'Embedded Systems' - ICES 2014, Coimbatore, India, 3rd - 5th July 2014.
Bhargavi R. Upadhyay, TSB sudarshan, "Low Power Predictive Placement Scheme for Embedded System" ,2014 International Conference on Embedded System ,4-5 july,2014(ICES- 2014), Coimbatore, India. (Available on IEEE Xplore, Indexed in Scopus)
Mamatha I, TSB Sudarshan, Shikha Tripathi, Nikhil Bhattar, "Systolic Array Implementation of DFT with Reduced Multipliers Using Triple Matrix Product", 13th -15th March, 2014 at International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems (SIRS 2014) , IIITM Kerala, Trivandrum , 13th -15th March, 2014. The paper was published in "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing",
Mamatha I, Nikhita Raj J, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB ,'Reduced Complexity Architecture for Convolution Based Discrete Cosine Transform" at Fourth International Symposium on Electronic System Design 2013 (ISED 2013), 12-13 December, 2013 held at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. paper is publishe by IEEE Computer Society and available in IEEE Xplore and indexed in scopus.
Nippun Kumaar A A, Sudarshan TSB, "Path Mapping and Planning with Partially known Paths using Hierarchical State Machine for Service Robot", The 3rd International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Application 2014 (RiTA), FIRA 2014, November 6-8 2014, Beijing, China.
Sreeja K, Shikha Tripathi, T S B Sudarshan, "Control of a Compass Gait Biped Robot Based on Partial Feedback Linearization", FIRA Robo World Cup & Congress-Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference, Bristol, UK, August 20-25, 2012.
Ashish Sebastian, T S B Sudarshan, G Radhakrishnan, Zine El Abidine Alaoui, "A Heuristic Approach to Find Maximal Empty Rectangles on a FPGA", Proc of 2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Tangier, Morocco, May 10-12, 2012, pp 131. (Available in IEEE Xplore)
S Nandagopalan, B. S. Adiga, T S B Sudarshan, C. Dhanalakshmi, "Multifeature Based Retrieval of 2D and Color Doppler Echocardiographic Images for Clinical Decision Support", MySec2011, Proc. of The Fifth Malaysian Software Engineering Conference, December 12-14, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 2011, pp 319-324 (Available on IEEE and SCOPUS)
A A Nippun Kumaar, T S B Sudarshan, "Sensor Counter Approach for a Mobile Robot to Navigate a Path Using Programming by Demonstration", Proc. of International Conference on Communication Technology & System Design, (ICCSTD-11), Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, December 7-9, 2011, Coimbatore., pp 570-577 (Available on Science Dirtect and SCOPUS)
A A Nippun Kumaar, T S B Sudarshan, "Mobile Robot Programming by Demonstration", Proc. of Fourth International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, (ICETET-11), IEEE Computer Society, November 18-20, 2011, Mauritius., pp 206-209 (Available on IEEE Xplore)
Ankit Mahanot, Atharva Chauthaiwale, T S B Sudarshan, "Universal Parallel Multiplier Architecture using Urdhva Triyakbhyam Sutrai", Web Proceedings of 15th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2009), December 2009, Kochi, India. (Best Poster Presentation Award)
Mehala N, Mayank Kamthan and T S B Sudarshan., "Improving Web Ranking from Click Through Data and Implicit Link", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Information Processing, August 7-9 2009, Bangalore, India pp 410-418.
Rakesh Kumar, Nitin Chaturvedi and T S B Sudarshan., "Adaptive Block Pinning for Multi-core Architectures", Web Proceedings of 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2008), December 2008, Bangalore, India. (Best Poster Presentation Award).
D C Kiran, T S B Sudarshan and S Gurunarayanan., "Variable Partitioning to Solve Dual Bank Register Allocation for Network Processor, National Conference on High Performance Computing (ACC-HPC 2008) , AITS, Rajkot, Gujarat (India), November 2008, pp (Best Paper Presentation Award) 26. Rakesh Kumar, Nitin Chaturvedi and T S B Sudarshan., "Non Inclusion Property in ChipMultiprocessors with Multileve
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, Avinash Patil, Komal Randive, and S Gurunarayanan, Predictive Placement Scheme for Set-Associative Cache for Energy Efficient Embedded System, Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking (ICSPCN '08), ISBN: 978-1-4244-1924-1,Jan 4-6, 2008, pp 152-157.
Amit Roy, Supriya V, T S B Sudarshan, "Variable Forwarding Cache Coherence for Chip Multiprocessors", Web Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2007), December 2007, Goa, India. (Best Poster Presentation Award)
T S B Sudarshan, Rakesh Komuravelli and Satish Kumar Kotha, "A Prototype for Tiger Hash Primitive Hardware Architecture", Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference On Advanced Computing (ADCOM 2007), IIT, Kharagpur, December 2007, pp 327-332.
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, Dilipkumar P, Priyanka Tugudu, and S Gurunarayanan, "LLRU: Late LRU Replacement Strategy for Power Efficient Embedded Cache", Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference On Advanced Computing (ADCOM 2007), IIT, Kharagpur, December 2007, pp 339-344.
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, Avinash Patil, Komal Randive, and S Gurunarayanan, "An Energy Efficient Selective Placement Scheme for Set-Associative Data Cache in Embedded System", Proceedings of ESA'07- The 2007 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA '07), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, (Published by CSREA Press (ISBN 1-60132- 052-3)), Editors Hamid R Arabnia and Laurence
Amarnath Bhadrashetty, Mandar Raje, T S B Sudarshan, "Enhancement of Advanced Encryption Standard with CBC Mode and Building a Prototype for Secured Communication", Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2007), Hyderabad, Jan 3-7, 2007, pp 563-568 (Best Paper and Best Presentation Award)
Ninad B Kothari, T S B Sudarshan, S Gurunarayanan, S Chandrashekhar, "SoC Design of a Low Power Wireless Sensor Network Node for Zigbee Systems", Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference On Advanced Computing (ADCOM 2006), NITK, Surathkal, December 2006, pp 462-466, IEEE Catalog No: 06EX1537, ISBN No: 1-4244-0715-X, Library of Congress 2006934023.
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, S Gurunarayanan, "Selection Placement Data Cache for Low Energy Embedded System", Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference On Advanced Computing (ADCOM 2006)), NITK, Surathkal, December 2006, pp 473-476, IEEE Catalog No: 06EX1537, ISBN No: 1-4244-0715-X, Library of Congress 2006934023.
Ninad B Kothari, T S B Sudarshan, Shipra Bhal, Tejesh E C and S Gurunarayanan, "Design of an Efficient Low-Power AES Engine for Zigbee Systems", Progress in VLSI Design & Test (VDAT 2006), ISBN 81-88901-24-5, Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Goa, August 2006, pp 264-272.
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, and S Gurunarayanan, "Cache Memory Design with Late Replacements for Embedded Systems", Proceedings of International Conference on Embedded Systems, Mobile Communication and Computing (ICMC2 06) Bangalore, August 2006 pp 76-90.
Ravikumar L, T S B Sudarshan and Bharat Deshpande, "Matching Proximity of Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing", Proceedings of Third International Conference on Systemics, Cybernatics and Informatics (ICSCI 2006), Hyderabad, January 2006.
Suresh Sharma, T S B Sudarshan, "Design of an Efficient Architecture For Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm Using Systolic Structures", Web Proceedings of 11th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2005), 18-21 December 2005, Goa, India.
T S B Sudarshan, Pavankiran, Swetha Krishnan and G Raghurama, "Fuzzy Logic Approach for Replacement Policy in Web Caching", Proceedings of 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI '05), December 2005, ISBN: 0-9727412-1-6, pp 2308-2319.
T S B Sudarshan, Ganesh Ananthanarayanan and G Raghurama, "Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Replacement Policy in Multimedia Web Caching", 4th International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2005), Cambridge, USA, October 2005.
T S B Sudarshan, A Ganesh and G Raghurama, "Caching and Replacement of Streaming Objects Based on a Popularity Function", Proceedings of Third IASTED International Conference on Communications and Computer Networks (ICCCN 2005), Marina Del Rey, California, USA, October 2005 pp 208-212.
T S B Sudarshan, Rahil Abbas Mir and Vijayalakshmi S, "DRIL-A Flexible Architecture for Blowfish Encryption using Dynamic Reconfiguration, Replication, Innerloop pipelining, Loop- folding Techniques", Proceedings of 10th Asia Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference (ACSAC 2005), Singapore, October 2005, pp 625-639.
T S B Sudarshan, Rahil Abbas Mir and Vijayalakshmi S, "Dynamic Reconfigurable Architecture for Blowfish Algorithm Using Inner-Loop Pipelining, Loop-folding Technique", Proceedings of IEEE Asia and South Pacific International Conference on Embedded SoCs (ASPICES), July 5-8, 2005, IISc, Bangalore.
Ganesh T S and T S B Sudarshan, "ASIC Implementation of a Unified Hardware Architecture for Non-Key Based Cryptographic Hash Primitives", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Technology Coding and Computing (ITCC 2005), Vol-I, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, (Published by Nova Science, New York, USA), April 2005, pp 580-585.
T S B Sudarshan, A Ganesh and G Rahurama, "Genetic Algorithm Based Approach For Replacement Policy in Web Caching", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2005), Hyderabad, January 2005, pp 803-806.
T S B Sudarshan, Rahil Abbas Mir and Vijayalakshmi S, "Highly Efficient LRU Implementations for High Associativity Cache Memory", Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2004), Ahemdabad, Gujarat, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., December 2004, pp 87-95.
Ganesh T S, T S B Sudarshan, N K Srinivasan and K Jaypal, "Pre-Silicon Prototype of a Unified Hardware Architecture for Cryptographic Message Detection Codes", Proceedings of IEEE 2004 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT '04), Brisbane, Australia, December 2004, pp 324-326.
T S B Sudarshan and Ganesh T S, "Hardware Architectures for Message Padding in Cryptographic Hash Primitives", Proceedings of 8th IEEE Workshop on Progress in VLSI Design & Test (VDAT 2004), Mysore, August 2004, pp 136-144.
T S B Sudarshan, J Sashidhar and G Raghurama, "Multimedia Proxy Caching Algorithms for Streaming Objects", International Conference on Recent Trends and New Directions of Research in Cybernetics & Systems Theory (ICCST '04), IASST, Guwahati, January 2004.
T S B Sudarshan and G Raghurama, "Dual Stage Victim Cache based approach for Web Caching", Proceedings of National Conference on Signal Processing, Intelligent Systems & Networking (SPIN 2004), Bangalore, December 2003.
Prashanth C Ravoor, Sudarshan TSB, "Deep Learning Methods for Multi-Species Animal Re-Identification and Tracking - A Survey", Computer Science Review, Elsevier, Vol 38, November 2020, IF = 7.07, (Indexed in Scopus)
Radhakrishnan G, Deepa Gupta, Sudarshan TSB, "Robotic Sensor Data Analysis Using Stream Data Mining Techniques", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4), pp 2964-2970, 2018. Indexed in Scopus
Sreeja K, Shikha Tripathi, Sudarshan TSB, "Nonlinear Dynamic Model with Varying Hip Trajectory for Stable Walking of Biped Robot", International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Acta Press , 33 (6), 2018 (Indexed in Scopus & WoS)
B. Uma Maheswari, Sudarshan TSB, "Error Resilient Multipath Video Delivery on Wireless Overlay Networks", Telkomnika, Telecommunications, Computing, Electronics and Control, Volume 14, No. 3, pp 894-903, 2016. Indexed in SCOPUS.
Uma Maheshwari B, Sudarshan T.S.B., "Fenwick tree Based Capability-aware Live Multimedia Streaming in Sparse MANETs", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 5, pp 12655-12670, 2015. Indexed in SCOPUS
Juhi R Srivastava, TSB Sudarshan, "A Genetic Fuzzy System based Optimized Zone based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Sensor Networks (OZEEP)", Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, Volume 37, December 2015, pp 863-886. Indexed in SCOPUS (IF: 3.811)
Juhi R Srivastava, TSB Sudarshan, "Energy-Efficient Cache Node Placement using Genetic Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks", Soft Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Volume 19, Issue 11, Nov-2015, pp 3145-3158. Indexed in SCOPUS (IF: 2.472)
Mamatha I, Sudarshan TSB, Shikha Tripathi, Nikhil Bhattar, "Triple Matrix Product based 2-D Systolic Implementation of Discrete Fourier Transform", Circuits, Signals & Signal Processing, Springer, Volume. 34., Issue 10, Oct -2015, pp3221-3239, Indexed in SCOPUS, (IF: 1. 694)
Sanju S, Nippun Kumaar A A, Sudarshan TSB, "Autonomous Robotic Arm With Enhanced Intelligence", International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-2, Issue-9, Sept.-2014. Pp 12-17.
S.Nandagopalan, B S Adiga, T S B Sudarshan, C Dhanalakshmi and C N Manjunath, "SQL Based Cardiovascular Ultrasound Image Classification", International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Inderscience, Vol. 7, issue 3, pp 266-283. Indexed in SCOPUS (IF: 0.717)
Sreeja Kochuvila, Shikha Tripathi and Sudarshan T S B, "Stability of an Underactuated Passive Biped Robot using Partial Feedback Linearization Technique", International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 394, August 2013, pp 456-462. (Indexed in EI Compendex, ISI Proceedings (ISTP) and Scopus)
Nippun Kumaar A.A, Sudarshan TSB, "Learning from Demonstration with State Based Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Service Robots", International Journal Applied Mechanics and Materials, Pg 448-455, Volume 394. (Indexed in Scopus)
S.Nadagopalan, B S Adiga T S B Sudarshan, C Dhanalakshmi, C N Manjunath, "Content Based Echo Image Retrieval(CBEIR): A Tightly Coupled Data Mining Approach", Journal of Imaging Science, Maney Publications, April 2011 (IF: 0.456) (H-Index:10)
S.Nandagopalan, B S Adiga, T S B Sudarshan, C Dhanalakshmi and C N Manjunath, "SQL Based Cardiovascular Image Classification", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM), Elsevier, 2011 Indexed in SCOPUS (IF:2.343)
S.Nandagopalan, B S Adiga, T S B Sudarshan, C Dhanalakshmi and C N Manjunath, "A Novel Approach to Medical Image Segmentation", Journal of Computer Science, Vol 7, Issue 5, April 2011, pp 657-663. Indexed in SCOPUS (IF: 0.3)
S Nandagopalan, B S Adiga, T S B Sudarshan, C Dhanalakshmi and C N Manjunath, "A NaiveBayesian Methodology to Classify Echocardiographic Images through SQL", Springer-Verlag, Vol. 6746, 2010.
A A Nippun Kumar, Kiran G and T S B Sudarshan, "Intelligent Lighting System Using Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Ad-Hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing, Vol 1, No.4, December 2010, pp 17-27. (IF: 0.242
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, and S Gurunarayanan, "Shared Memory Process Aware Selective Placement Data Cache for Low Energy Embedded Systems", Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier The EURO Micro Journal {Impact Factor: 0.490}
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, and S Gurunarayanan, "Modified Way Predictive SetAssociative Cache for Energy Efficient Embedded Systems", GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 51, Number 1, Journal ISSN No: 1738-6438 December 2008, pp 93-98 SunJin Co.
Ganesh T S, M.T.Fredrick, T S B Sudarshan and A K Somani, "Hash Chip: A Shared-Resource Multi-Hash Function Processor Architecture on FPGA", Integration, The VLSI Journal, Volume 40, Issue 1, January 2007. pp 11-19 Indexed in SCOPUS (IF: 1.0)
Biju Raveendran, T S B Sudarshan, and S Gurunarayanan, "Cache Memory Design with Late Replacements for Embedded Systems", International Journal of Lateral Computing, Vol 3, No. 1, ISSN 0973-208X, August 2006, pp 39-45.
T S B Sudarshan, Rahil Abbas Mir and Vijayalakshmi S, "DRIL-A Flexible Architecture for Blowfish Encryption using Dynamic Reconfiguration, Replication, Innerloop pipelining, LoopFolding Techniques", Advances in Computer System Architecture, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3740, pp 625-639, 2005.
Ph.D in CSE (Nokia Research Scholar), Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, 2007
M.Tech (Systems), Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, 1993
B.Tech in EE, Bangalore University, 1989