Priya Vaz
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
A second rank holder Marketing Graduate from Karnataka University , Dharwar with around ten years of qualitative experience in teaching. Pursuing PhD from VTU Belgaum. She has worked in different capacities as BBM coordinator, ISO file maintenance and AICTE document maintenance. She has also served one year in corporate.
Assistant Professor, PES University, 2008 - till date
Post Diploma in Industrial Training
Certificate of excellence for 100% Results Consistent good student feedback
Strategic Management
Managerial Communication
Marketing Management
organizational behavior
Business Research Methods
Services Marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Managerial Psychology
Global Marketing
Assisted in SPIRIT Files
Conducted EWD Activities
Sending students for Management Fest and Competitions
Exam Coordinator
PESU Academy Coordinator
Class teacher and Mentoring
Alumni Coordinator
Responsible for delivering the required curriculum.
Planning and preparing courses and lessons
Assessing, recording and reporting on the academic development, progress and attainment of students.
Providing guidance and advice to students on educational matters
Communicating and meeting with parents students academic behavior
Maintaining good order and discipline among the students
Assisting in planning and organizing of events and functions (Inter-house Competitions, Fests, Entrance exams, guest lectures, industrial visits etc.)
Assist in Bangalore University paper Valuation of BBM Students.
Consumer behavior, E-commerce, HR
Student Projects
International Conference and paper presentation on "Talent Management with Special reference to Sustainable economy at PES Institute of Management, Bangalore, India 2nd & 3rd January 2009.
Participated in National Level Faculty Development Programme on Nurturing Life Skills: Towards an Enabling Work Environment at Seshadripuram College, Bangalore , 30th Oct, 2010
Presented paper on Digital Darwinism and Branding in context to educational institutions- a conceptual view, at Convergence - 2017, 12th International conference on Management 2022: Growth and sustainability challenges, 978-93-86724-08-3, september 2017
Rural entrepreneur- Issues, challenges and Measures, National Conference on Rural Entrepreneurship for Inclusive Economic Development - Opportunities and Challenges, organized by ICFAI University Jharkhand, in association with NABARD on 26th March 2019
Nectar Fresh Entrepreneur: A case based approach, National Conference on Rural Entrepreneurship for Inclusive Economic Development - Opportunities and Challenges, organized by ICFAI University Jharkhand, in association with NABARD on 26th March 2019
PSYCHOGRAPHICS AS AN EFFECTIVE TOOL TO MEASURE OVERALL SITE EQUITY OF E-TAILERS, International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM), ISSN : 2454-9150 UGC Approved Journal an ISO 3297 : 2007 Certified JournalImpact Factor : 5.646,Volume 05, Issued 03, June 2019
An Empirical Study on Best HR Practices in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangalore ,Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems ( JARDS),SCOPUS SJR, International,ISSN 1943-023X 111,Received: 09 Mar 2019/Accepted: 08 Apr 2019, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2019
EXPORT BARRIERS IN INDIAN GARMENT SECTOR- AN OVERVIEW ,Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative research ( JETIR), (ISSN-2349-5162)UGC Approved & 5.87 Impact Factor Published in Volume 6 Issue 1 , January-2019
Managing Organizational Diversity Through Best Human Resources Practices, MSME, Bangalore,International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR) ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-5, ISSUE-2, February 2018.
"Digital Darwinism And Branding" A Conceptual View In Context To Educational institutions, International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI).(Volume 7- Issue- 5-Version-5-May-2018)
E-Commerce A Boon or Bane for SME'S,International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS),Volume 6, Issue 4, 2278-6856, July-August 2017.
Parents Perception on Child Safety Wearable Device - A Survey in South Bangalore. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) Volume 6, No. 8, ISSN: 2319-4421, August 2017.
A Survey on Usage of Digital Services Among Organizations In East Bangalore,International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering , Vol. 7 Issue 9, ISSN:2249-0558 , September 2017.
Attended Symposium on "New Dimension in Business education at Bishop cottons Women's College, Bangalore, India , 17h July 2009.
Executive Education Programme on "Strategic Management for Teachers: Foundation course at IIM, Bangalore, India , 24th Dec 2007 to 29th Dec 2007.
Attended Seminar on "Vision 2020 Synergy and challenges in management at T John College, Bangalore, India , 08th Sep 2007.
Attended Orientation workshop on "Personality development for Teachers at Karnataka university, Dharwad, India , 11th Feb 2006.
Masters in Marketing, IIAS, 2004