Mahesh H. B.
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
B.E., M.Tech., (Ph.D.) 19 Years of Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor, PESU, 2005 - 2021
System Software
Compiler Design
Theory of Computation
Digital Design and Computer Organization
System Modeling & Simulation
Computer Networks
Advanced Computer Networks
Network Security
Test Coordinator
Department Exam Coordinator
Squad Duty
Disciplinary Committee Member
Department Library Coordination
"A Novel Approach to Improve Speed and Throughput of Next Generation Wireless Networks"
Optimization and Performance Analysis of QPSK Modulator
Low Power and Area Optimized Architectures for BPSK Modulator, MECS Press
Low Power and Area Optimized Architecture for OQPSK Modulator, IEEE
Eb/No. Vs. BER Analysis of PAM and QAM over AWGN, Rayleigh and Rician Channels for Mobile Communication, UGC
A Novel Approach to Optimize Area and Power Parameters of 64QAM for Radio Communication, ISSN 1943-023X
MTech, SJCE, MYSORE, 2004