Mahitha G
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Assistant Professor, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, 2015 - 2019
Assistant Professor, Nandi Institute of Technology, 2008 - 2015
Data Structures
Operating System
Unix System Programming
System Software
Database Management Systems
Object Oriented Modeling & Design
Faculty Recruitment Coordinator
Student Coordinator
Pursuing PhD (Data Analytics & Machine Learning)
"Classification and Analysis of Hepatitis B data using Machine Learning Techniques" at 6th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (ICBAI) at IISC Bangalore, 20th Dec 2018.
"Effective Method for Leukocytes Classification and Segmentation in Blood Smear Images" in IARJSET, Volume 4, special issue 8, May 2017
"PREDICTION OF LIVER DAMAGE AND HEPATITIS B DIAGNOSIS USING RANDOM FOREST AND LOGISTIC REGRESSION",3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing Technologies [ICACT-2020], Journal of Critical Reviews
B.E, SSIT, VTU, 2008
M.Tech, RVCE, VTU, 2012
Ph.D(pursuing), VTU