Dr. Leela V
- Teaching
Name: Dr. V. Leela. Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Designation: Professor in Mathematics Teaching Experience : 28 Years. Area of research: Fluid Mechanics.
Professor, PES University, 2010 - Till date.
Professor, AMC Engineering college, 2007 - 2010
Assistant Professor, Dayananda Sagar college of Engineering, 1997 - 2007
Lecturer, Sri Kumaran's PU college, 1992 - 1994
Lecturer, ASM Degree college, 1990 - 1992
Lecturer, ASM Degree college, 1988 - 1989
Guiding one student towards Ph.D. program at PES University.
Guided one student towards Ph.D. program.
State level Basket ball player.
Taught Engineering Mathematics for all four semesters and Biostatistics for Seventh semester.
Taught WXMAXIMA, SCILAB under Lab component.
E learning Content development coordinator
Faculty advisor
section in charge
Department curriculum committee member
AIKYA club coordinator
CHATRAMITRA coordinator
PTM coordinator
Chairperson for squad committee.
Community Development coordinator
Exam chief coordinator
Boot Strap ( Induction program) coordinator for social component
BOE member under VTU.
External examiner for various Engineering colleges. .
Organized Faculty development program , guest Lectures
Currently guiding one student for Ph. d program under PES University.
MHD two phase flows and heat Transfer.
Heat transfer in microchannel.
National symposium on "Recent trends in Fluid Mechanics " at UGC-DCA center, Bangalore.
National conference on fast computational techniques and Vedic Application in Engr and Technology. DSCE , Bangalore.
The Effect of Viscous Dissipation on Forced Convection in a Channel Occupied by a Porous Medium with Counter Flow Arrangement Authors Nagabhushanam Kotloni, V Leela, R Gangadhara Reddy
Electrorheological stability of parallel poorly conducting couplestres viscous fluid flow in a channel Authors S.B.Naveen Kumar N. Rudraiah, V.Leela, B.M.Shankar Publication date 2001 Journal International journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences Volume 6 Pages 437-456
Effect of asymmetrical wall heat flux and wall temperature ratio on mixed convection in a vertical micro-porous-channel with internal heat generation Authors: V Leela, KN Seetharamu, Nagabhushanam Kotloni, R Gangadhara Reddy Publication date 2020/12/1 Journal Propulsion and Power Research Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 394-407 Publisher Elsevier
Magnetoconvective flow and heat transfer between vertical wavy wall and a parallel flat wall. Authors: MS Malashetty, JC Umavathi, V Leela Publication date 2001 Journal: International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 6 Issue 2 Pages 437-456
Numerical investigation of heat transfer in a micro-porous-channel under variable wall heat flux and variable wall temperature boundary conditions using local thermal non... Authors: KN Seetharamu, V Leela, Nagabhushanam Kotloni Publication date 2017/9/1 Journal International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Volume 112 Pages 201-215 Publisher Pergamon
Magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer in two fluid flow. Authors: MS Malashetty, V Leela Publication date 1991 Book: Phase change heat transfer 1991
Magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer in two phase flow.Authors MS Malashetty, V Leela Publication date 1992/3/1 Journal International Journal of Engineering Science. Volume 30.Issue3.Pages371-377 Publisher Pergamon
Doctor of Philosophy, Gulbarga University, 1997
M.Phil, Gulbarga University, 1990
M. Sc, Gulbarga University, 1988
B.Sc, Gulbarga University, 1986