Prakash C O
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Mr. Prakasha C O with 20 years of experience in teaching has contributed in various levels of coordination in the department. Areas of interest includes Social Network Analysis, Computer Networks, Data Structures and Algorithms. Currently pursuing Ph.D from VTU Belgaum. Coordinated, assisted and participated in conducting the "2014 Summer Research Workshop" held at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Visited MIT and Harvard University, USA. Member of professional bodies like MISTE, and ACM.
Assistant Professor, PES University, 2010 - Till date
Assistant Professor, KLE's SNC, 2000 - 2010
DOJ : 02-08-2010 Experience : 20 Years
Taught the following subjects in his career: C, C++, JAVA, Python, Speech and Natural Language Processing, Compiler Design, Theory of Computation, Social Network Analytics, Multimedia Computing, Data Structures, Operating Systems, System Programming, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Principles of Programming Languages, Unix System Programming, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Computer Net
Anti-Ragging committee member
Disciplinary committee member
Infrastructure Coordinator
Member of Center for Data Sciences and Applied Machine Learning (CDSAML)
Bangalore University - BOE Member
Squad team member
Autonomous Coordinator
Test Coordinator/ESA Examination Coordinator
Backlog subjects Coordinator
Special Topic Coordinator
Athma Trisha event Coordinator
Social Media/Network Analytics
Natural Language Processing
Topic Modeling
Ashok, A., Guruprasad, M., Prakash, C. O., & Shylaja, S. S. (2019, February). A Machine Learning Approach for Disease Surveillance and Visualization using Twitter Data. In 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science (ICCIDS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
"Sujay Vittal, Lohit R and Prakash C O. Empirical Analysis of Social Networks. In Data Analytics, 17th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ISBN: 979-93-85225-62-8), pages 27-29. ICCIT, 2016."
Sindhu, S., & Prakash, C. O. (2013). Development of the Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color, Texture and Edge Features‖. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)-volume, 4, 1879-1884.
BE(CSE), MCE, Hassan, Mysore University, 1995-1999
ME(CSE), UVCE, Bangalore, Bangalore University, 2004-2006
(Ph.D), VTU, Belgaum