Sindhu R Pai
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
10+ years of teaching and 2 years of Industry Experience
CSE Club Coordinator
Organizing Secretary - ICDDS
Image Processing. Specially Image Inpainting
"Visual Specification for Web Application Programming Assignments", Vidhu Rojit, Sindhu R Pai, Shruti Kaivalya, Viraj Kumar, T4E, 2016, IEEE 8th International Conference
"Channel Modelling and Optimization of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)" in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT), Volume 5, Issue 3 for which the link is available-- http://www.ijcsit.com/ijcsit-v5issue3.php
Successfully gave a talk on the paper entitled "Channel Modelling and Optimization of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)" in 7th National Conference on "Advances in Information Technology", which is held by the Department of Information Science & Engineering ,SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
Data Structures
Machine Learning
Web Technology
Image Processing
Programming with Python, C and Java