Dr. Lekha A
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Dr. A Lekha is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Applications, PESU. She completed her Bachelor's degree from VVSFGCW, Bangalore University, 1998, Master's degree form Dr. AIT, VTU in 2001. She did her M.Phil. from Bharathidasan University in 2005 and holds a Ph.D. in the domain of Data Mining for Bioinformatics from Dr. MGR Education and Research University, Chennai. She has 20+ years experience in teaching and 10+ years experience in Research
Associate Professor, PESU, 2015 - till date
Assistant Professor, PESU, 2014 - 2015
Assistant Professor, PESIT, 2012 - 2014
Senior Lecturer, PESIT, 2009 - 2011
Lecturer, PESIT, 2006 - 2008
Lecturer, BMSIT, 2004 - 2006
Lecturer, NMKRV, 2001 - 2004
Years of Experience: 23
Domain: Data Science
Recognition: Supervisor Recognition under PESU
Conference Conducted: Co-organizer "Creativity World Forum - Cities in Transition" during 29th-30th November, 1st December, 2016
Conducted "National Cyber Safety and Security Standards Summit" during 11th- 12th December 2015 at PESU
Co-convenor 18th ISTE Karnataka State Faculty Annual Convention during 6th -7th November, 2015 on Technical Education Interventions for Make in India and Digital India Initiative
Organized a two-day workshop "Working with GIT" on 20th -21st Feb, 2015
Conducted Three Day Symposium "Multimedia Information Archival and Retrieval systems (MIARS)" during 11th - 13th November, 2013
Conference Attended: "Creativity World Forum - Cities in Transition" during 29th-30th November, 1st December, 2016
"National Cyber Safety and Security Standards Summit" during 11th - 12th December 2015 at PESU
18th ISTE Karnataka State Faculty Annual Convention during 6th -7th November, 2015 on "Technical Education Interventions for Make in India and Digital India Initiative"
Two-day workshop "Working with GIT" on 20th - 21st Feb, 2015
14th ISTE Karnataka State Faculty Convention 18th -19th November 2011 at PESIT, Bangalore
Faculty Development Programme Attended: NBA Accreditation dated 21st July 2012,PESIT High Performance Computing pre-conference Workshop on "Research Paper Writing" 23rd July, 2011, PESIT, Bangalore
A Faculty Development Program on Applications of Digital Media Processing, January 2011
A BITES workshop on "Multi-Core Programming" at PESIT on 21-Mar-09.
Faculty Development Programme Conducted: 2-Day TEQUIP sponsored workshop on Python Programming for Scientific Computing, July 11-12, 2016
Aryabhatta International Award of 2017
Session Chair "National Level Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering- 2017", sponsored by UGC organized by Department of Computer Science, Government Science College, Bangalore during 16th - 17th February, 2017
Resource Person - "R for Data Science" at GSSSIETW, Mysore on 10th - 12th July, 2018
Resource Person - "Statistical Analysis using R" for MBA students, PESU in Jan 2017
Resource Person - National Conference on Future Trends in Data Sciences and Analytics, AJK College of Arts and Science, on Feb 28, 2024
Reviewer - Elsevier Publications - Egyptian Informatics Journal
Programming Languages - C, C++, Python
Conceptual - Data Structures
Analysis and Design of Algorithms
Testing - Selenium, WebDriver, gdb
IDE Programming - VIM, VIM RC
Web Scripting - HTML4, CSS3
Python, Django Framework
Database - Oracle, MySQL
Data Science - Data Mining
Animation - Blender 2.69
Animation - Pencil2D
NoSQL - MongoDB
Big Data - HIve, HBase, Hadoop, Pig
Spreadsheet Enginerring - Excel
Machine Learning
Department Curriculum Committee Coordinator
PESU ISA and ESA Squad Member
Handled four autonomous courses
Coordinated Prof. C N Rao Award Ceremony
Coordinated Prof. C N Rao Award Ceremony
Graduation Day
Sardar Vallabhai Patel anniversary
Sardar Vallabhai Patel anniversary
Law Day
Department Infrastructure In-charge
Organized IGNIUM (Department Fest)
Anchor for four autonomous courses Programming with IDE Animation Scripting language - Python with Django Software testing using Selenium and Web driver
Guiding two research scholars at PESU
Data Science
Programming Languages
PESU VR Library
Lekha A, Pushpalatha KN, A Birds-view of Rabindranath Tagore
Rashmi GD, Lekha A, Neelam Bawane, 2015, "Analysis of Efficiency of Prediction Algorithms (Naive Bayes) for Breast Cancer Dataset", Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT-2015), 17 - 18 December, 2015
Rajashree CN, Lekha A, Neelam Bawane, 2017, "Analysis of Efficiency of Association Rule Mining Algorithms for Breast Cancer Dataset", Proceedings of 6th National Conference on Emerging ad Innovative trend in Computer Science, 30-31 March 2017
Lekha, A & Srikrishna CV 2010, 'Extension of Horspool Algorithm for Pattern Matching', Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics, vol.3, no 2, pp 199-209
Lekha A, Srikrishna CV & Neelakantan N 2012, 'Classifiers in Biological databases', International Journal of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, ISSN No. 2315-4209, vol. 1, Issue 2, pp 86-89
Lekha A & Srikrishna CV 2012, 'Efficiency of Prediction Algorithms for Mining Biological Databases', ISOR Journal of Computer Engineering, vol. 6, Issue 1, pp 12-21
Lekha A, Srikrishna CV & Viji Vinod 2013, 'Utility of Association Rule Mining', IEEE Xplore Digital Library, pp 1-6
Lekha A, Srikrishna CV & Viji Vinod 2014, 'Prediction Algorithms for Mining Biological Databases', International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 9, no. 4, pp 650 - 658
Lekha A, Srikrishna CV & Viji Vinod 2015, 'Fuzzy Association Rule Mining', Journal of Computer Science, vol. 11, no. 1, pp 71-74
Rashmi GD, Lekha A, Neelam Bawane, 2016, "Analysis of Efficiency of Classification and Prediction Algorithms (kNN) for Breast Cancer Dataset", Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer India, 2016
Ashish Kumar, Lekha Achuth, 2023, “Human Drone Natural Interaction”, Journal of Advancements in Robotics, 10(2): 10–20p.
Sasikumar M., Lekha Achuth, 2023, “ASL Mobile Translator with CNN Algorithm”, International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review. 1(2): 33–40p.
Punitha P, Lekha A, 2014, "Fundamentals of Information Technology", Karnataka State Open University, Diploma in Information Technology
Doctorate, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute University, 2016
Master of Philosophy, Bharatidasan University, 2005
Master of Computer Applications, Visvesvaraya Technological University, 2001
Bachelor of Science, Bangalore University, 1998
Masters in Arts (English), Bangalore University, 2019