Basavaraj Dhannur
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Intern, Arch Consultancy Bangalore, 2016 - 2017
Consultancy Projects
Planed, Designed, Detailed, and Estimated the Residential building (30x40ft) site and which is G+2 Building. Work is being executed in Menasaagi Village.
Designed the loading frame for Civil Department, PES University, Bangalore Under the guidance of Associate Professor, B V Ramesh. Work is completed.
Plan, elevation, cross section of residential building have been done for the costumers
Proposed Modification of service road near PES University to Facilitate the entry of Two wheeler and four Wheelers and it was prepared under the guidance of Chairperson, Civil Engineering Department
Plan of Residential Building for non Teaching Staff (Mr. Parameshi, Mechanical Department)
Recognized as Bentley ambassador from academic year 2018 for STADD Pro Software Select Series.
STADD Pro Lab for B.Tech.
STADD Pro Lab oratory for M.Tech.
ETABS for Lateral entry students
Concrete Lab
Design and detailing of Steel structures Lab
Building Planning and Drawing Lab
Special Topic - detailing of R C Structures
Engineering Mechanics
Analysis and Design of Structures using ETABS
Extended Three Dimensional Analysis
Action and Response of Structural system
Survey Camp- Layout of Two acres Barren Land
Structural Analysis 1
Strength of material
Geotechnical Laboratory
Material Testing Laboratory
C S Krishnmurthy Lab in charge
Department Library In charge
Test Coordinator
Consultancy In charge
FAM for first year
ESA and COE Office Coordinator
UG Projects- 8+1 (current 6th semester)
PG Projects-1
M-Tech 5+ 3( Current semester)
Earthquake Resistance of Structures
Concrete Materials
Finite Element Methods
Structural Dynamics
Sustainable concrete
Shashank, B. S., B. Dhannur, H. N. Ravishankar, and P. S. Nagaraj, "Study on Development of Strength Properties of Bio-concrete", Sustainable Construction and Building Materials, vol. 25: Springer, Singapore, pp. 423-437, 2019
Sinha, P., A. Gowda, J. S. Vishwas, and B. Dhannur, "A Systems Perspective of Cycling and Bike Sharing in Urban Mobility", Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for Sustainability" (CTCS-2019), 2019.
Ashhar, H., Amit, P. P Kumar, B. V. Ramesh, and B. Dhannur, "Analysis and Retrofitting Techniques for a Multi- Storey Building under Construction", International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), vol. 6, issue 5, pp. 11, 2018.
Bentley STAAD Pro
Autodesk Autocad 2D and 3D
M S office
BE in Civil Engineering, BEC Bagalkot, 2010-2014
M.Tech in Structures, R V College of Engg. Bangalore, 2015-2017