Dr. Ashwini
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Ashwini holds a bachelor degree in Electrical and electronics engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. She has done M.Tech in Digital Electronics and Communication, Ph. D. in the area of Music signal processing. She has been serving the Electronics and Communication dept. since 2007. She was working at Southwest Tennessee College, Tennessee, USA. during 2003-2005. She has worked in NITK, Surathkal during the period 2000-2002. She has carried out several projects in the field of Audio signal signal processing as well as in multimedia communications, VLSI, fault analysis. She has guided various projects mainly in the area of music signal processing.
Apart from the regular academics she is also a Veena player, recording artist and vocalist by passion winning several accolades for her pure rendition of classical and fusion music. During her long stint in the US, she has worked along with her musician husband, towards setting up their own music studio bringing out several CD's. She has also served as Cultural Secretary of the "Taranga Kannada Sangha of Memphis". She is the recipient of several prestigious awards in the field of music. She has also received "Karnataka Women Excellence Award-2023'.She is one of the leading Veena players of the Indian classical fusion band, "Svaramrita". www.vishwini.com, www.svaramrita.com
Dr.Ashwini has won the Karnataka Women Excellence Award 2023 on Sunday 28.05.2023 in a ceremony held at Bapuji Auditorium in Davangere.
UG subjects:- Basic Electrical Engg., Field theory, LIC, Basic Electronics Engg.,DSP,Signals and systems,Audio technology, etc
PG subjects:- CMOS VLSI, Modern Power Electronics, etc
She has handled various responsibilities of the department like Incharge for Process, Web upload, News letter, Faculty advisor, Class teacher, NBA team, IQAC.
As an Electonics Engineer as well as musician her interest is mainly music signal processing.
Currently she is working in the area of Audio signal processing.
Ashwini Bhat, Karrthik Gopi Krishnan, Vishal Mahesh, and Vijaya Krishna Ananthapadmanabha, "Deep Learning Approach to Joint Identification of Instrument Pitch and Raga for Indian Classical Music," a book chapter in " Advances in Speech and Music Technology" published by Springer.
Ashwini B, Om Amitesh B.R., Sathwik Acharya and Vihar Devalla, "Analytical Comparison of Classification Models for Raga Identification in Carnatic Classical Audio," FRSM-2020
Muktharunisa Chapparband, Megha Kulkarni, Sameeksha D K, Ashwini and Vijaya Krishna A, "Shruti Detection using Machine Learning and Sargam Identification for Instrumental Audio," FRSM-2020
Ashwini and Vijaya Krishna A, "Feature Selection for Indian Instrument Recognition using SVM Classifier," ICIEM-2020
Ashwini, Mohan Naik, Chandan S V,Dr. Vijaya KrishnaA., "Indian instrument identification from polyphonic audio using KNN classifier" at WISPNET 2019 held at Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai, India, from March 21 to 23, 2019
Ashwini, Shreevathsa P K, Abhishek Rao,Harshith M,"Music Instrument Recognition using Machine Learning Algorithms" at International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management Amity University, Dubai, ICCAKM -2020
Ashwini,Sachin,Nischal,Mahabaleshwar"An optimized reversible signed comparator."at CCUBE-17 RNSIT B'lore on 15th Dec 17
Ashwini,Dr. Vijaya Krishna A.,Sachin,Nischal, "Lead Source Separation for Indian Instrumental Audio" at TENCON 2017 Penang, Malaysia on 7th Nov 17
Kiran, Ashwini "Design of automatic energy meter reading system and multi hop wireless transmission of meter data using data aggregation algorithm.", at IEECSE 22 SEPT 13 BANG 050
Ashwini, Supreetha G S,"Design of fault tolerant memory with fault secure encoder and decoder" at ICMAET-2012 B'lore on 1 Jan 2012
Kiran,Ashwini, "Design of fault tolerant memory with fault secure encoder and decoder", at International Conference on MATLAB Applications in Engineering and Technology Jan -2012.
Ashwini, Deepa Yagain,Dr.Vijaya Krishna A " High speed ASIC design of DCT for image compression" at Third International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing, Chennai, February - 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-35615-5
Ashwini, "Reduction of multipliers using Winograd algorithm ", at National conference on information processing-2010
Ashwini, "Reduction of multipliers in digital convolution using Cook-toom algorithm", at LIVAS-2010
Ashwini "Enhancing the performance of h.264 avc by block estimation and compensation technique" at NCETCS - 2010 Emerging technologies in computer science.
Ashwini, B. K. Munoli, K. A. K. Jain, P. Kumar and A. R. P. S, "Human Voice Analysis to Determine Age and Gender," 2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC), Mysore, India, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICRTEC56977.2023.10111890.
Ashwini B, Akshata Kumble and Sriveda Medatati, "Emotion-Based Music Recommendation," Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP 2023)Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, East Sikkim, Sikkim, India
Ashwini, Vijaya Krishna A and Sathwik Acharya, "Analytical Comparison of Classification Models for Raga Identification in Carnatic Classical Instrumental Polyphonic Audio," Computational Statistics, SN Computer Science, Oct 2020.
Kruthi T.S., Ashwini, "FPGA implementation of Reed Solomon encoder and decoder", International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engineering Technology(IJRASET) Volume 2 , Issue-VII July 2014
Chetna devi kh, Ashwini, "FPGA implementation of RFID mutual-authentication protocol ", International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engineering Technology(IJRASET) Volume 2 , Issue-VI June 2014
Priyanka shukla, Ashwini, "Design & Performance Analysis of Leakage Power Reduction in 6T SRAM using LECTOR & Power Gating techniques ", International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD) eISSN: 2321-225X, pISSN: 2321-2241 Vol:2; Issue:5 - May -2014.
Chaithra , Ashwini, "Design of a low voltage,low drop-out cmos voltage regulator ", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 ISSN 2229-5518.
Ashwini, A. Vijaya and Mahesh, Vishal and Karrthik, G.K., "Tone detection for Indian classical polyphonic instrumental audio using DNN model," IJFE, Inderscience, 4(4):310-322, May 7, 2021, 10.1504/IJFE.2020.115030.
Ph. D.