Dr. Uma D
- Teaching
Dr. D. Uma is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PES University. She has over 25 years of association with P. E. S. Institutions. She has 27 years of teaching experience and 17 years of research experience. She obtained her Bachelor's degree from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in 1993 and Master's degree from Bharathiar University in 1995. She has obtained her Doctoral degree from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka during 2011. She also obtained M. Tech. in Information Technology from Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, Karnataka during 2015. Her research areas include Data Science, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. She has several journal articles, national and international conference publications to her credit.
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PES University, Bengaluru, 2017 - Till Date
Professor, Department of Computer Applications, PES University, Bengaluru, 2013 - 2017
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Applications, PES University, Bengaluru, 2011 - 2013
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, PESIT, Bangalore, 2005 - 2010
Lecturer, Department of Computer Applications, PESIT, Bangalore, 1998 - 2005
DOJ: 02.05.1998
Experience: 25 years
Membership of association with CSI, ISTAM and ISTE.
CCNA Certification 2 Levels
Topics in Deep Learning
Machine Intelligence
Linear Algebra
Statistics for Data Science
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Advanced Database Management Systems
Database Management Systems
Distributed Operating Systems
Distributed Database and Computing
Advanced Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Optimization Techniques
Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Techniques
Scientific Computing
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Fuzzy Logic
Computer Graphics
Object Oriented Programming with C++
Programming using C
Introduction to Computers
Research Coordinator, Department of CSE, 2020-Till Date
Coordinator of International Conference on "Modeling, Machine Learning and Astronomy", 22-23 November 2019, Department of CSE,PES University.
Library Coordinator, Department of CSE, 2017-2021.
Convener of the national conference on "Data Science and Analytics (DSA 2016)".
Coordinator of National Seminar on "Discrete Structures and Computer Applications"
Appointed as Board of Examiner by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka several times
Appointed as an External Examiner to conduct viva for research scholars of two Universities in South India and for Post Graduate students by VTU and Anna University.
Appointed as an Exam Coordinator to conduct End Semester Assessment by PESIT two times.
Resource person for several training programmes includes JUMPSTART, CDP, Pre-Placement etc
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Data Science
Topic Modelling
Facial Expression Recognition in the Presence of Masked Occulusion
Enhancing Safety in Vehicles using Emotion Recognition
Fake Face Detection
Construction of 3D image from a 2D image
Generation of Floor Plans
Enhancing Low-Quality Images
Virtual Trial Room
Indian Sign Language Recognition
Business Promotion through Instagram
Cyberbullying Detection from Code-Mixed Data
Genre based Music Recommender System
Uma Damotharan, Ramachandra Murthy Venkatesh (2018), Convection in Couple-Stress Fluids, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 11 July 2018, 256 pages, ISBN-10:3659552593, ISBN- 13:8206;978-3659552595.
Muttaraju, C., Prabhu, R. N., Sheetal, S., Uma, D., & Shylaja, S. S. (2022), IFF: An Intelligent Fashion Forecasting System, Part of the "Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies" book series (LNDECT, Volume 142), Springer, Singapore, pp. 487-498, DOI:10.1007/978-981-19-3391-2_37.
Uma D., Ramamohan Kashyap Abhilash, Choudhary Anurag, Vaka Avinash (2020), Lecture Video Summarization Using Subtitles, 2nd EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing (BDCC 2019), Coimbatore, India, December 12-13, 2019, Part of book series in EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing book series (EAISICC), Springer, pp. 83-92, October 202
V Ramachandramurthy, D Uma, N Kavitha (2021), Linear and non-linear instability analysis of the onset of magnetoconvection in couple-stress fluids with thermorheological effect, In the book "Mathematical Fluid Mechanics", 2021, pp. 143-162, Publisher: De Gruyter, DOI:10.1515/9783110696080-007.
Shree R Thavarekere, Anushka Hebbar, Uma D. (2022), A Deep Learning Approach to Facial Expression Recognition in the Presence of Masked Occulusion, IEEE INDICON 2022, 24-26 November, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India.
Shubham Gupta, Uma D. and Hebbar R. (2022), Analysis and application of multispectral data for water segmentation using machine learning, International Conference on Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence (CVMI 2022), 12-13, August 2022, IIIT Allahabad, India.
Apoorva K G. and Uma D. (2022), Detection of Cyberbullying Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms,2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), August 26-28, 2022, Pune, India, IEEE Xplore, DOI:10.1109/ASIANCON55314.2022.9908898.
Sujeeth A Vankudari, Navneet Raju, Anirudh Maiya, R Hebbar, D Uma, S.S. Shylaja, and Ganesha Raj K. (2021), "Performance of Different U-Net Architectures for Inventory of Coconut Plantations Using Cartosat-2 Multispectral Data" 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 11-16 July 2021, Brussels, Belgium, Published: 12 October 2021, Publisher: IEEE Xplore. 2373-2376, D
Dinesh Sathyanarayanan, DV Anudeep, C Anjana Keshav Das, Sanat Bhanadarkar, D Uma, R Hebbar, K Ganesha Raj (2021), A Multiclass Deep Learning Approach for LULC Classification of Multispectral Satellite Images, IEEE India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS), 01-04 December 2020, Ahmedabad, India, Publisher: IEEE, Published: 23 February 2021, pp. 102-105, DOI: 10.1109/InGARSS48198.2020
D Uma, Arpan Ghoshal, Rohan Kamath (2021), CATAQ: Concise Answer to any Question, International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES), 24-25 September 2021, Chennai, India, Published: 16 December 2021, Publisher: IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/ICSES52305.2021.9633951.
Sanat Bhandarkar, Rutha Prasad, Vaibhav Agarwal, R Hebbar, D Uma, YB Venkata Reddy, Y Raghuramulu, K Ganesha Raj (2019), DEEP LEARNING AND STATISTICAL MODELS FOR DETECTION OF WHITE STEM BORER DISEASE IN ARABICA COFFEE, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-3/W6, 2019 ISPRS-GEOGLAM-ISRS Joint Int. Workshop on "Earth Observatio
Shravanya Gangadhara, Swati Nagaraj Hasyagar, Uma Damotharan(2019), Deployable SDN architecture for network applications: an investigative survey, 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), 15-16 March 2019, Coimbatore, India, Published: 6 June 2019, Publisher: IEEE Xplore, pp.43-49, DOI: 0.1109/ICACCS.2019.8728347.
D Uma, S Thenmozhi, Rabin Hansda (2018), Analysis on Cognitive Thinking of an Assessment System Using Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, 5th IEEE International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE), Publisher: IEEE Xplore, 30th December 2018, pp. 152-159, DOI: 10.1109/MITE.2017.00033.
S. Thenmozhi, D. Uma, K. Vikram (2017), Quantifying Yield Gap of Rice Production in Various Regions of Karnataka, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM), 19-21 October 2016, Published :19 January 2017, Bangalore, India, Publisher: IEEE Xplore, Publisher: CPS, pp. 136-140, DOI:10.1109/CCEM.2016.032.
Uma D., T. S. (2015), Ideas for E-Kranti of Agriculture through Digital India Initiative, 18th ISTE Karnataka State Level Annual Faculty Convention, PES Institute of Technology.
D. Uma, G. Roopa (2014), EFFECT OF INTERNAL HEAT GENERATION ON RAYLEIGH- BENARD CONVECTION IN FERROMAGNETIC LIQUIDS, Proceedings of 59th Congress of ISTAM, Alliance University, Bangalore, India, Dec. 17-20, 2014.
Uma D., Meena, Radhika (2014), Detection of Defective Cricket Balls using kNN Classifier, Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 1(1), 561-565.
Uma D., Pradeep G Siddheshwar, V. Ramachandra Murthy (2010), A Weak Non-Linear Analysis of Rayleigh-Benard Convection with Gravity Modulation, Proceedings of 37th National and 4th Int. Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power FMFP10, AM08, 910571-19, pp. 978-981.
Ramachandramurthy, V. and Uma D. (2007), Convection in Liquids with Temperature Dependent Viscosity under Terrestrial Gravity, ASIMMOD 2007, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Uma D. and V. Ramachandra Murthy (2005), Finite Difference Solution of Darcy-Forchheimer Brinkman Flow and Heat Transfer Equations, National Conference on NCCMEA, pp. 118-122.
Bhavya Shivaraj, PG Siddheshwar, D Uma (2021), Effects of Variable Viscosity and Internal Heat Generation on Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Newtonian Dielectric Liquid, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Volume 7, Issue 3, Article number: 119, Publisher: Shanghai University, Publisher: Springer India, pp. 1-17.
P.G. Siddheshwar, D. Uma, Bhavya Shivaraj (2020), Linear and nonlinear stability of thermal convection in Newtonian dielectric liquid with field-dependent viscosity, The European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 135, Issue 2, Article number: 138, January 2020, Shanghai University, Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-15.
Roopa G. and Uma D. (2020), EFFECT OF INTERNAL HEAT GENERATION ON RAYLEIGH-BENARD CONVECTION IN FERROMAGNETIC LIQUIDS, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 3, Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering, pp. 3482-3488.
P.G. Siddheshwar, D Uma, S. Bhavya (2019), Effects of variable viscosity and temperature modulation on linear Rayleigh-Benard convection in Newtonian dielectric liquid, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 40, Issue 11, Shanghai University, pp. 1601-1614.
V Ramachandramurthy, D Uma, N. Kavitha (2019), Effect of non-inertial acceleration on heat transport by Rayleigh-Benard 'magnetoconvection in Boussinesq-Stokes suspension with variable heat source, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 9, pp. 2126-2133.
Uma D., Anusha B., S. Harshitha, P. Divya Ramesh, Uma D., Lalith Narayan C. (2019), Multi-Classification and Automatic Text Summarization of Kannada News Articles, International Journal of Computer Applications, 181(38), pp. 24-29.
Ramachandramurthy, V., Uma, D., & Kavitha, N. (2019), Effect of non-inertial acceleration on heat transport by Rayleigh-Benard magnetoconvection in Boussinesq Stokes suspension with variable heat source, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(9), pp. 2126-2133.
Roopa, G., and Uma D. (2019), Effect of Variable Viscosity on Linear Thermal Convection in Ferromagnetic Liquids under Terrestrial Gravity Condition, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), 65(12), pp.166-170.
Siddheshwar, P. G., Ramachandramurthy V., Uma D. (2011), Rayleigh-Benard and Marangoni magnetoconvection in Newtonian liquid with thermorheological effects, International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 49, Issue 10, Publisher: Pergamon, pp. 1078-1094.
Masters of Technology in Information Technology, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, Karnataka, 2015
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka, 2011
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu, 2004
Master of Science in Mathematics, PSG College of Arts and Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 1995
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Govt. College of Arts and Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 1990-1993