Prafullata K Auradkar
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Prafullata Kiran Auradkar (PKA) joined PES Institute of Technology (now, PES University) in June 2011 with more than 8 years of service in Academia. Prior to her joining PESIT she was an Assistant Professor at K J Somaiya College of Engineering in Mumbai. She joined K J Somaiya College of Engineering affiliated to Mumbai University and was engaged in the regular teaching - learning process. Along with that, she was involved in the conduction of a national level workshop as a remote center coordinator hosted by IIT Bombay, which was a sponsored event of MHRD. She has attended and also organized several workshops and faculty development programs of both short term and long term durations. As part of the assigned responsibilities, she has worked for the documentation for various accreditations, and also in the exam section.
Database Management Systems
Data Structures
Principles of Programming Languages
Operating Systems
Computer Organization & Architecture
Curriculum Design
Time table
Faculty Recruitment
Class Committee Meetings
Distributed Graph databases and analytics
Spatial databases and Analytics
Time Series Analysis
Shabib, A., Narang, A., Niddodi, C.P., Das, M., Pradeep, R., Shenoy, V., Auradkar, P., Vignesh, T.S. and Sitaram, D., 2015, August. Parallelization of searching and mining time series data using Dynamic Time Warping. In Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 343-348). IEEE.
Sitaram, D., Dalwani, A., Narang, A., Das, M. and Auradkar, P., 2015, May. A Measure of Similarity of Time Series Containing Missing Data Using the Mahalanobis Distance. In Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE), 2015 Second International Conference on (pp. 622-627). IEEE.
Auradkar, P., Prashanth, T., Aralihalli, S., Kumar, S.P. and Sitaram, D., 2020. Performance tuning analysis of spatial operations on Spatial Hadoop cluster with SSD. Procedia Computer Science, 167, pp.2253-2266.
Additional Information
DOJ: 23/06/2011 Experience : 19 years