Dr. Lata Pasupulety
- Teaching
Professor and Chairperson,Dept of Science & Humanities, PES University Bangalore, 2013
Associate Professor, PESIT Bangalore, 2007 - 2013
Kuwait University, Scientific Assistant, 1996 - 2007
Lecturer, Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, 1994
Teaching: 15 yrs
Research: 16 yrs
CSIR Fellowship for Phd
M.Sc. Gold Medal, Delhi University
Scholarship for M.Sc., Delhi University
B.Sc. Science Merit Award, Delhi University
Scholarship for B.Sc., Delhi University
Engineering Chemistry
Chairperson, Department of Science &Humanities, PESU
Ph.D student
Synthesis of nanoparticles
Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L. ,Kumari,K.: Thermochemistry of manganese oxides in reactive atmospheres:Probing catalytic MnOx compositions in the atmosphere of CO+O2,Thermochimica Acta(1998) 311(1-2):97-103
Hasan,M.A., Zaki,M.I., Kumari,K., Pasupulety,L.: Soot deep oxidation catalyzed by molybdena and molybdates: a thermogravimetric investigation,Thermochimica Acta(1998) 320(1-2):23-32
Zaki,M.I., Hasan,M.A., Pasupulety,L., Kumari,K.:Bulk and surface characteristics of pure and alkalized Mn2O3:TG,IR,XRD,XPS,specific adsorption and redox catalytic studies, New J.Chem (1998)22(8):875-882
AlSagheer,F.A., Hasan,M.A., Pasupulety,L., Zaki,M.I.:Low temperature synthesis of Hausmannite Mn3O4,Journal of Material Science Letters(1999)18(3): 209-211
Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M. A., Pasupulety,L., Fouad, N.E., Helmut, K.:CO and CH4 total oxidation over manganese oxide supported on ZrO2,TiO2,TiO2-Al2O3 and SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts, New J.Chem (1999)23(12):1197-1202
Hasan, M.A., Zaki, M.I., Pasupulety, L., Kumari,K., :Promotion of the hydrogen peroxide decomposition activity of manganese oxide catalysts, Applied Catalysis A :General (1999)181(1):171-179
Zaki,M.I.,Hasan,M.A.,AlSagheer,F.A.,Pasupulety,L.:Surface Chemistry of acetone on metal oxides:IR observation of acetone adsorption and consequent surface reactions on silica-alumina versus silica and alumina, Langmuir (2000)16(2):430-436
Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:Influence of CuOx additives on CO oxidation activity and related surface and bulk behaviours of Mn2O3,Cr2O3 and WO3 catalysts, Applied Catalysis A :General (2000),198(1-2) :247-259
Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:Surface reactions of Acetone on Al2O3,TiO2,ZrO2 and CeO2:IR spectroscopic assessments of impacts of the surface acid-base properties, Langmuir (2001)17(3):768-774
Zaki,M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:In situ FTIR spectroscopic study of 2-propanol adsorptive and catalytic interactions on metal-modified aluminas, Langmuir (2001)17(13):4025-4034
Zaki, M.I.,Hasan, M.A., AlSagheer, F.A., Pasupulety, L .:In situ FTIR spectra of pyridine adsorbed on SiO2-Al2O3,TiO2,ZrO2 and CeO2:general considerations for the identification of acid-sites on surfaces of finely divided metal oxides, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering aspects (2001)190(3):261-274
Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I. ,Pasupulety,L .:A spectroscopic investigation of isopropanol and methylbutynol as infra red reactive probes for base sites on polycrystalline metal oxide surfaces,Journal of molecular catalysis A :Chemical (2002)178(1-2):125-137
Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I. ,Pasupulety,L .:IR investigation of the oxidation of propane and likelyC-3 and C-2 products over group IV B metal oxide catalysts, J.Phys. Chem. B (2002)106(49):12747-12756
Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I., Pasupulety,L .:Oxide-catalyzed conversion of Acetic acid into acetone:an FTIR spectroscopic investigation, Applied Catalysis A:General (2003)243(1):81-92
Bumajdad, A.; Zaki M. I.; Eastoe, J.; Pasupulety, L., 'Microemulsion-based synthesis of CeO2 powders with high surface area and high temperature stabilities, Langmuir (2004) 20 (25) :11223-11233
Bumajdad, A.; Zaki, M. I.; Eastoe, J.; Pasupulety, L Characterization of nano-cerias synthesized in microemulsion by N2 sorptiometery and electron microscopy :J.Coll.Interface Science(2006)302(2)501-508
Bumajdad, A.; Eastoe, J.; Zaki, M. I; Heenan, R. K.; Pasupulety, L.: Generation of metal oxide nanoparticles in optimised microemulsions, J. Coll. Interface Science (2007) 312(1)68-75
Bumajdad A.;. Hasan M.A.; Zaki M.I. ; Mekhemer G. A. H.; Pasupulety L.; Mathew A. : Impacts of CuOx additive on the CO oxidation activity and related surface and bulk properties of a nano-CeO2 Catalyst,Reaction kinetics,mechanisms and catalysis(2010)99(2).
Ph.D(Physical Chemistry, Delhi University, 1995
M.Sc(Physical Chemistry), Delhi University, 1990
B.Sc(Hons.)Chemistry, Delhi University, 1987