Dr. Sandesh B J
Chairperson, Professor
- Teaching
Professor & Chairperson, PES University Electornics City Campus, 2019 - till date
Associate professor & Head of the Department, PESIT Bangalore South Campus, 2012 - 2019
Assistant Professor & Head of the Department, PES School of Engineering, 2008 - 2012
Assistant professor, PES School of Engineering, 2007 - 2008
Senior Lecturer, PES School of Engineering, 2006 - 2007
Lecturer, J.N.N Colleger of Engineering, 2001 - 2006
Machine Learning, Data Wearhousing and Mining, Data Structures and its Applications, Analysis and Design of Algorihms, Operating Systems, Advanced Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Computer Networks, Object Oriented Modeling and Design, Software Engneering, Object Oreitned programming with 'C++', Programming in 'C', Programming in JAVA
Professor & Chairperson
Chair, IEEE
Campus coordinator, Student Affairs
Multimodal Data Mining, Computer Vision, Machine Learning.
Raunak Bhupal, Kalidindi Lakshmi Sanjana, Nikhil Kishan Khaneja, Prakhar Bhartiya, Achaladi Spoorthi Bhat and Sandesh B J, Finger Vein Authentication System, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India, April 2021.
Goutham Pacha Ravi, Sandesh Bananki Jayanth and Gowri Srinivasa, Text Based Video Indexing for a Way-Back Machine for Television News, International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Techniques, Chennai India, March 2013
B. J. Sandesh, V. Gupta, A. Lahoty, G. Srinivasa, A multiscale active contour transformation-based toolbox for the extraction of white matter from brain fMRI images, Proc. Int. Conf. on Electronic Design and Signal Proc., Manipal, India, Dec 2009.
Sandesh B. J and Gowri Srinivasa, A Team Recommendation System and Outcome Prediction for the game of Cricket, Journal of Sports Analytics, vol 4(4), pp 263-273, April 2018
Sandesh B.J and Gowri Srinivasa, Text-Mining based Localization of Player-Specific Events from a Game-Log of Cricket, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, vol 55(3), pp 213-221, July 2017.
Sandesh B. J and Gowri Srinivasa, A Framework for the Automated Generation of Paradigm-Adaptive Summaries of Games, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, vol. 54(2), pp 276-288, July 2017.
Sandesh B.J, S Jirgi, S Vidya, P Eljer, G Srinivasa, Lecture Video Indexing and Retrieval Using Topic Keywords, World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology International Journal, vol 11(9), pp 1057-1061, Aug 2017.
Sandesh B. J. and G. Srinivasa, Automated Classification of Cricket Pitch Frames in Cricket Videos, Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, vol. 13 (1), pp 33-49, July 2014.
PhD, vishweshwaraiah technology university, 2018
Mtech, vishweshwaraiah technology university,, 2001
B.E, Karnatak University, Dharwad, 1997