Dr. Karthiyayini O
- Teaching
Professor, PES University - Electronic City Campus, Bangalore, 2018 - Till date
Professor, PESIT - Bangalore South Campus (Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2016 - 2018
Associate Professor, PESIT - Bangalore South Campus(Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2011 - 2016
Assistant Professor, PESIT - Bangalore South Campus (Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2010 - 2011
Lecturer, PESIT - Bangalore South Campus (Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2005 - 2010
Lecturer, Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mysore, 1999 - 2005
Engineering Mathematics for Ist year BTech of PES Unversity
Engineering Mathematics for 1st and 2nd year B. E of V.T.U
Quantitative Techniques 1st year MBA of V.T.U during 2013 -14
Operations Research for 1st year MBA of V.T.U during 2012 -13
Discrete Mathematical Structures for 2nd year B. E Computer science and Information science branch of V.T.U. during 2007 - 08
Graph theory for 2nd year Computer science and Information science branch of V.T.U. during 2003 - 04
Mathematics for 1st year MCA of V.T.U during 2003 - 04
Chairperson, Department of Science & Humanities, PES University - Electronic City Campus, Bangalore from 2018 till date.
Head of the Department, Department of Science & Humanities from 2011 to 2018
Head of Mathematics Research Centre, PESIT - Bangalore South Campus from 2012 till date
Total No. of Research Scholars : 03
No. of Scholars who are awarded PhD : 01
Geometric function Theory
Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new subclass of bi-univalent functions associated with Chebyshev polynomial, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 5(2), 2018, 226-232.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, A New Sub-class of Multivalent Functions, Advances in Inequalities for Series, 135 - 145, 2008. [Book Chapter]
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Some interesting properties of functions in the generalized Ruscheweyh class proceedings of National conference on Advances in Mathematics and its Applications, 21 � 29, 2004.
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and Karthiyayini O, A New Approach to Find the Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem, International Journal of Research � Granthaalayah A knowledge Repository, 6(5), May 2018( ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1283413).
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and Karthiyayini O, A Comparative Study Of Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Fuzzy Transportation Problems Using Anova, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 5(8), August 2018.www.jetir.org , (ISSN-2349-5162).
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta, Karthiyayini O and Anita Chaturvedi, A New Heuristic Approach To Find The Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Crisp And Fuzzy Transportation Problems, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,11(2), 2018, Pages 105-113 ISSN: 2277-1417 . http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/UM011020105
Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new subclass of bi-univalent function defined using convolution, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 8 (1), 2019, 229-234
Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new subclass of bi-univalent functions associated with Chebyshev polynomial, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 5(2), 2018, 226-232.
Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new subclass of meromorphic bi-univalent functions associated with linear operator, Int. J. Pure. Appl. Math. 10(2), 2017, 141-146.
Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new sub-class of meromorphic function, Int. J. Comp. Mat. Sci. 6(7), 2017, 8-15.
O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, A New Subclass of Bi-Univalent Functions Associated with Chebyshev Polynomial, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 5(2), 226 - 232.
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini , A New Heuristic Approach To Find The Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Crisp And Fuzzy Transportation Problems, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 11(2), 2018, 105-113, ISSN: 2277-1417 . http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/UM011020105
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini ,A Comparative Study Of Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Fuzzy Transportation Problems Using Anova, JETIR, 5(8), August 2018, www.jetir.org , (ISSN-2349-5162).
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini , A New Approach to Find the Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem, International Journal of Research � Granthaalayah A knowledge Repository, 6 (5), May 2018, ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1283413.
O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, A New Subclass of Meromorphic Bi - Univalent Functions Associated with a Linear Operator, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences (IJPAMS), 10(2), 2017, 141 - 146.
O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, A New Subclass of Meromorphic Functions, International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS), 6(7), 2017, 8 - 15.
Kanas. S, Sivasankari.V, Karthiyayini.O, and Sivasubramanian.S, Second Hankel determinant for a certain subclass of Bi-close to Convex Functions defined by Kaplan, Symmetry, 13(4), 2021, 567.
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini, Statistical investigation of various methods to find the Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation problem, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 5( VII), July 2017(IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, Coefficient inequality for some subclass of meromorphic functions, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics 11 (3), 2016, 275-279.
O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, New sub-classes of bi-univalent functions defined by subordination, International conference on mathematics 2015 4 (2), 453-456.
O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, New sub-classes of bi-univalent functions defined using the convolution structure, International Journal of Mathematical Archive 6 (12), 2015, 57-61.
Harikrishna S, Abida Begum and Karthiyayini Roy, Performance of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) Seed Extract as Inhibitor on Mild steel under Corrosive Medium-A Statistical View, International Journal of ChemTech Research CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290, Vol.5, No.4, April- June 2013, 1829-1834.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Coefficient Inequalities for A New Class of Analytic Functions Defined Using The Convolution Structure, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, Volume 7 Number 2 (2012), pp. 103-108.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Neighborhoods of certain classes of analytic functions with negative co-efficients, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, Volume 7 Number 2 (2012), pp. 93-102.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Coefficient Estimates for a certain class of analytic functions defined using the Generalized Carlson Shaffer Operator, International Journal of Mathematical Archive-3(9), 2012, 3472-3476.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Inclusion and Neighborhood Properties of Certain Analytic Functions with Negative Coefficients, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, Vol 6, Number 1(2011), pp.79-84.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Convolution Conditions for Certain Analytic Functions�, �International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, Vol 5, No.3, 2011.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Coefficient Inequalities for Certain Classes of Analytic and Univalent Functions, International journal of Mathematical Archive 2(2), 1-9, Feb 2011.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, On Subclasses of Ruscheweyh Class Function of Order α and type β , International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, Vol 4, No.1, March 2010.
Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Certain Class Of Analytic and Univalent Functions Involving The Ruscheweyh Derivative Operator, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 3, no. 33 � 36, 2009.
Sivasankari. V, Karthiyayini. O and Magesh. N , Certain subclass of bi-univalent functions defined using the Chebyshev polynomials, Afrika Mathematica, 32(1), 2021, 89-103 .
O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, Subordination Results for a Class of ϒ�Spirallike Functions, Annals of Oradea University - Mathematics Fascicola 24 (1), 2017, 19-24.
PhD in Mathematics, University of Mysore, 2009