Dr. Nagesh H M
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Dr. Nagesh H. M is affiliated with the Department of Science and Humanities, PES University, where he is currently working as an Associate Professor of Mathematics. He has authored and co-authored several national and international publications. He is having an active association with the Academy of Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (ADMA). N H M's major research interest involves Graph Theory.
Lecturer, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, 2006 - 2007
Lecturer, PES School of Engineering, 2008 - 2010
Assistant Professor, PES School of Engineering, 2011 - 2018
Assistant Professor, PES University - Electronic City Campus, 2019 - 2022
Associate Professor, PES University - Electronic City Campus, 2023 - Till date
Engineering Mathematics-I, II, III, IV; Discrete Mathematics; MATDIP.
Test Co-ordinator; Class Co-ordinator; Co-anchor; Anchor
Chemical Graph Theory - QSPR Analysis
Chemical Graph Theory - QSPR Analysis
H. M. Nagesh and R. Chandrasekhar. Line cut-vertex digraphs of Digraphs. International J.Math.Combin., 4:99-103, 2015.
H. M. Nagesh and R. Chandrasekhar. Block line cut-vertex digraphs of digraphs. Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute., 5:159-164, 2015.
H. M. Nagesh and Girish V. R. On the entire Zagreb indices of the line graph and line cut-vertex graph of the subdivision graph. Open J. Math. Sci. Issue. 4, 470-475, 2020.
H. M. Nagesh and R. Chandrasekhar. On directed pathos line digraph of an arborescence. International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.11(1):41-48, 2016.
H. M. Nagesh and R. Chandrasekhar. On directed pathos line cut-vertex digraph of an arborescence. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics., 21(2):59-69, 2015.
H. M. Nagesh, R. Chandrasekhar, and M. C. Mahesh Kumar. Directed pathos block line cut-vertex digraph of an arborescence. International Math.Combin.,4:144-152, 2016
H. M. Nagesh and R. Chandrasekhar. On pathos adjacency cut-vertex jump graph of a tree. International J.Math.Combin., 2:89-95, 2014.
H. M. Nagesh and R. Chandrasekhar. Characterization of pathos adjacency blict graph of a tree. International J.Math.Combin., 1:61-66, 2014.
H. M. Nagesh, On pathos block line cut-vertex graph of a tree, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society. 35 (1) (2020) 1-12.
H. M. Nagesh, On pathos square graph of a tree, International Journal of Applied Graph Theory. Vol.3, No.2 (2019), 29 - 38.
H. M. Nagesh, Ashwini Kelker, K. Jaysurya, Block graph of a graph, Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 21 (1) (2019) 74-78.
H. M. Nagesh, M. C. Mahesh Kumar, On directed pathos block vertex digraph of an arborescence, International Journal of Applied Graph Theory. Vol.3, No.1 (2019), 48 - 60.
H. M. Nagesh, M. C. Mahesh Kumar, On directed pathos total digraph of an arborescence, Eng. Appl. Sci. Letters. 1 (2018) 29-42.
H. M. Nagesh, M. C. Mahesh Kumar, Block digraph of a directed graph, Open Journal of Mathematical Science. 1 (2018) 202-208.
H. M. Nagesh, On pathos block line graph of a tree, Gulf J. Math. 6(1) (2018) 104-109.
H. M. Nagesh, M. C. Mahesh Kumar, A characterization of directed pathos line digraph of an arborescence, International J.Math. Combin. 4 (2018) 91-95.
H. M. Nagesh. Directed Pathos Middle Digraph of an Arborescence. TWMS J. of Apl. & Eng. Math. Volume .11, Number.2, pp. 480-489, 2021.
H. M. Nagesh. On the Zagreb indices of the line cut-vertex graphs of the subdivision graphs. Bull. Int. Math. Virtual Inst., Vol. 12(1), 17-26, 2022.
H. M. Nagesh, Girish V.R and Azghar Pasha. B. On the entire Zagreb indices of the line graph and line cut-vertex graph of the subdivision graph. Bull. Int. Math. Virtual Inst., 12(1), 159-167, 2022.
H. M. Nagesh. On pathos cube of a tree. Mathematical Forum. Volume 28 (2), pp. 61-72. 2021
M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,, Visveswaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum., 2017