Dr. Rangaswamy D R
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Dr. Rangaswamy D R currently working as Assistant Professor of Physics in Science and Humanities department. Dr. Rangaswamy D R conducts research on Radiation Physics, Radiation Protection, Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation Dosimetry. Currently, Dr. Rangaswamy D R is conducting research in the field of Radiation Physics, Radiation induced modification in solids, Conducting Polymers and Electromagnetic Shielding Interference studies.
Assistant Professor, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bangalore, August -2017 - July- 2018
Assistant Professor, PES University, August -2018 - Till date
1. Young Scientist Award - 2021 2. Best Poster Presentation Award - 2016 3. JRF & SRF (UGC) - 2012 to 2015 4. M.Sc., 2nd Rank -2012 5. District Level First Prize in the "Science Exhibition" -2010
I have Six years of teaching experience as a Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor in Science & Humanities Department and also a class coordinator, Faculty advisor
I have 11 years of research experience in the field of Nuclear and Radiation Physics. My area of research interest is Radiation Physics, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiation Protection, Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation induced modifications in materials, conducting polymers and EMI studies.
Conducting Polymer Composites: Materials Synthesis and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding Applications in Satellite -2020-2022
Suresh S, Rangaswamy D R, Srinivasa E, Sannappa J (2020) Measurement of radon concentration in drinking water and natural radioactivity in soil and their radiological hazards, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 13:12-26.
Suresh S, Rangaswamy D R, Sannappa J, Srinivasa E (2020) Assessment of radiological dose from exposure to attached and unattached fractions of radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) in indoor atmosphere. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 326:173-184.
Sannappa J, Suresh S, Rangaswamy DR, Srinivasa E (2019) Estimation of ambient gamma radiation dose and drinking water radon concentration in coastal taluks of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 323:1459-1466.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2019) Assessment of radiological hazards and effective dose from natural radioactivity in rock samples of Hassan district, Karnataka, India. J Environ Earth Sci, 78:431.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2019) Measurement of Radon Concentration and Evaluation of Total Dose in Drinking Water of Chikmagalur City, Karnataka. Journal Geological Society of India, 94:100-104.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Suresh S, Nagabhushana SR, Sannappa J, Umesh Reddy K (2018) Measurement of radon concentration in drinking water and estimation of radiation dose to the publics of Hassan city, Karnataka, India. Radiat Prot Environ, 41:132-135.
Nagabhushana SR, Sannappa J, Rangaswamy DR, Srinivasa E (2018) Study on Radon and Thoron Levels in and Around Different Industries of Tumkur and Bangalore Districts. Materials Today: Proceedings 5:22712-22717
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Suresh S, Umesh Reddy K, Sannappa J (2018) Measurement of ambient gamma radiation levels and radon concentration in Drinking water of Koppa and Narasimharajapura taluks of Chikkamagaluru District, Karnataka, India. Radiat Prot Environ 41:20-25.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2018) Measurement of 222Rn concentration in Drinking Water of Mudigere Taluk, Chikmagalur District, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Engineering Research & Management Technology 4:1-7.
Umesha Reddy K, Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Ningappa C, Jayasheelan A, Sannappa J (2017) Study on activity concentration of natural radionuclides and radiation hazards in rock samples and solid waste from BGML in and around Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka, India. Environ Geochem 20:16-20.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Umesh Reddy K, Sannappa J (2017) Indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentration in and around Hassan district. Environ Geochem 20:29-33.
Umesh Reddy K, Ningappa C, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J, Srinivasa E (2017) Concentration of radon and physicochemical parameters in ground water around Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka State, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 314:907-915.
Niranjan RS, Ningappa C, Yashaswini T, Chamaraja NA, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2017) Studies on radon concentration in drinking water around Hemavathi river basin, Karnataka State, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 314:321-331.
Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2016) Distribution of natural radionuclides and radiation level measurements in Karnataka State, India: an overview. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 310:1-12.
Ningappa C, Hamsa KS, Umesha Reddy K, Niranjan RS, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2016) Study of radon concentration at the work places of Mysuru, Bengaluru and Kolar Districts of Karnataka State, South India. Radiat Prot Dosim 171:200-203.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy D R, Sannappa J (2016) Study on seasonal variation of indoor radon, thoron and their progeny levels in Belur and Channarayapatna Taluks of Hassan District, Karnataka State, India. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology 5:530-535.
Rangaswamy DR, Srilatha MC, Ningappa C, Srinivasa E, Sannappa J (2016) Measurement of natural radioactivity and radiation hazards assessment in rock samples of Ramanagara and Tumkur districts, Karnataka, India. J Environ Earth Sci, 75:373.
Rangaswamy DR, Srinivasa, E, Srilatha MC, Sannappa J (2016) Measurement of radon concentration in drinking water of Shimoga district, Karnataka, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 307:907�916.
Rangaswamy DR, Srinivasa E, Srilatha MC, Sannappa J (2015) Measurement of terrestrial gamma radiation dose and evaluation of annual effective dose in Shimoga District of Karnataka State, India. Radiat Prot Environ, 38:154-9.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2015) Determination of radon activity concentration in drinking water and evaluation of the annual effective dose in Hassan district, Karnataka state, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 305:665�673.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2015) Study on natural gamma radiation hazards in and around Hassan district, Karnataka state, India. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology, 4: 237-240.
Srilatha MC, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2014) Measurement of natural radioactivity and radiation hazard assessment in the soil samples of Ramanagara and Tumkur districts, Karnataka, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 303:993�1003.
Rangaswamy DR, Srilatha MC, Sannappa J, Ningappa C, Srinivasa E, Chandrashekar MS (2014) Study of Radon Concentration in Ground Water and its Potential Health Hazards in Granite Regions of Ramanagara District of Karnataka State. ISST Journal of Applied Physics, 5: 114-118.
Srilatha MC, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2014) Study of Radon Concentration in Ground Water and Physicochemical parameters around Tumkur district of Karnataka state. ISST Journal of Applied Physics, 5: 75-79.
Srilatha MC, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2014) Studies on concentration of Radon and Physicochemical parameters in ground water around Ramanagara and Tumkur districts, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, 2(4): 641-660.
Basavaraja Patel BM, Revanasiddappa M, Yallappa S, Rangaswamy DR (2023) Iron nanoparticles embedded in polypyrrole and tellurium oxide ternary nanocomposites for electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 34: 866.
Rangaswamy DR, Suresh S, Srinivasa E, Sannappa J (2023) Estimation of radiological dose due to radon, thoron, and their progeny in indoor atmosphere of Shivamogga district, Karnataka, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem,332, 2379–2388.
Basavaraja Patel BM, Revanasiddappa M, Rangaswamy DR (2022) Synthesis, Transport, and Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of Fe‑PPy‑SnO2 Nanocomposites. J. Electronic Materials, 51:6937–6950.
Sandeep Dongre, Sunil Kumar, Suresh S, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J (2022) Assessment of natural radiation levels in the forest ecosystem of Shankaraghatta-Shivamogga District, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 331:2825–2847.
Suresh S, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J, Sandeep Dongre, Srinivasa E, Rajesh S (2022) Estimation of natural radioactivity and assessment of radiation hazard indices in soil samples of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 331, 1869–1879.
Srinivasa E, Rangaswamy DR, Suresh S, Sannappa J (2022) Natural radioactivity levels and associated radiation hazards in soil samples of Chikkamagaluru district, Karnataka, India. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 331, 1899–1906.
Basavaraja Patel BM, Revanasiddappa M, Rangaswamy DR, Manjunatha S, Ravikiran YT (2022) Electrical conductivity and EMI shielding studies of iron-decorated polypyrrole-fly ash nanocomposites. Materials Today: Proceedings 49: 2253-2259
Basavaraja Patel BM, Revanasiddappa M, Rangaswamy DR, Manjunatha S, Ravikiran YT (2021) DC conductivity studies of iron decorated polypyrrole. J Phys: Conf Ser, 2070 012070
Suresh S, Rangaswamy DR, Sannappa J, Srinivasa E (2021) Gamma Dose Rate and Annual Effective Dose Equivalent in Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka, India. Radiochemistry, 63:672-68.
M.Sc. K.SET., Ph.D.
Ph.D. (Physics), Kuvempu University, 2018
M.Sc. (Physics), Kuvempu University, 2012