Udoshi Basavaraj
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Lecturer, KLE College Bangalore, 2009 - 2010
Lecturer, Jain College Jayanagar, 2010 - 2013
Assistant Professor, PESU EC Campus Bangalore, 2013 - Till date
First Rank with Gold Medal in M.Phil (Electronics)
From the beginning of my teaching career I have not availed any leave (12 Years of teaching experience)
12 Years of Teaching Experience with varied PUC (Physics & Electronics), Degree (Electronics) & Engineering (Electronics & Physics)
PESU-CBT Coordinator
PESU-EC Campus ID Card Coordinator
PESU-EC Campus Welcome Kit Coordinator
M. Tech Data Science Enquiries & Admission Coordinator
PESU EC Campus Merit Scholarship Coordinator
EWD/ASD Coordinator
Bio Medical Engineering & Quantum Dots Sensors
A paper has been presented with the title "Stakeholder Participation in Quality Initiates � A Students Perspective" held at St. Joseph�s College of Commerce, Bangalore on 29th JAN 2016
A paper has been presented with the title "Analysis on Efficient Transmission Method & Security Using Wireless Sensor Network" at Basaveshwara College of Commerce, Arts & Science, Bangalore on 30th JAN 2016
A paper has been presented with the title "Aspects Of Artificial Intelligence In Medicine" held at SGS, J C Road, Jain University Bangalore on 25th FEB 2016
"To Make Teaching A Career of Challenges, Innovations & Aspirations" has been published in an International Journal of Social Science & Management ? Research Revolution, Volume-IV, Issue-3, December 2015
"Self-Empowerment for Success" has been published in an International Journal of Social Science & Management ? Research Revolution, Volume-IV, Issue-4, January 2016
"Diagnosis and detection of cancer cells in lungs and myocardial infarction using artificial neural network" has been published in an International Journal IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Volume-IV, Issue-4, March 2016
"Stakeholder Participation in Quality Initiates � A Students Perspective" is published in the journal of St. Joseph�s College of Commerce, Bangalore with the title �Strengthening Transparency in Higher Educational Institutes� bearing ISBN: 978-81-924180-3-2
"Analysis on Efficient Transmission Method & Security Using Wireless Sensor Network" is published in the journal of Basaveshwara College of Commerce, Arts & Science, Bangalore with the title �Evolving trends and challenges in Science Education and Research � an exploration� bearing ISBN: 978-93-85629-14-3
"Aspects Of Artificial Intelligence In Medicine" is published in Pariprashna the academic journal of Jain University, Bangalore bearing ISBN: 978-93-85629-14-3
M.Sc., M.Phil, Bangalore University, 2009