Shreyus Goutham Kumar
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Lecturer, Vemana Institute of Technology, 2008 - 2010
Assistant Professor, PES University, 2010 - Till Date
Conducted 50 Hr course on Solid State Devices and MEMS
Conducted a 2 Day Workshop on Semiconductor Device: Modeling and Simulation, 28th and 29th Jan, 2017
Experiments conducted using Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Optical Microscope, Focussed Ion Beam (FIB), and Proton Beam Writing (PBW) using micro beamline at the Ion Beam Centre, University of Surrey U.K.
Successfully completed Qubit by Qubit"s 2020 - 2021 " Introduction to Quantum Computing Course" sponsored by IBM Quantum. This course took place from October 2020 to May 2021.Here, I developed a foundational understanding of Quantum Computing, with topics including introductory Linear Algebra, coding with QISKIT, quantum mechanics, quantum algorithms and quantum applications.
Successfully completed and secured grade A in " LaTeX101x: LaTeX for Students, Engineers, and Scientists " an online course conducted from 26 January 2021 to 28 May 2021. This course is offered by IITBombayX, an online learning initiative of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on Artificial Intelligence from 2021-1-4 to 2021-1-8 at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology.
Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Recent Advances and Challenges in Nanoscale Devices: Design, Materials, and Applications Perspective" from2021-06-01 to 2021-06-05 at National Institute of Technology Hamirpur.
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Signals and Systems (Theory and Lab)
Control Systems
Network Analysis
Linear Algebra
Basic Electronics
Microwave and Radar (Theory and Lab)
Analog Electronics Circuits (Theory and Lab)
Antenna Propagation (Theory and Lab)
Optical Fiber Communication
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
DSP Laboratory
HDL Laboratory
Advanced Digital Communication Laboratory
Analog Circuit Design Laboratory
Digital VLSI Design Laboratory
VLSI Technology (PG)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (PG)
Advanced Semiconductor Devices (PG)
Probability and Random Processes
Complex Analysis
ISA/ESA Co-ordinator
Class Co-ordinator
Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) Member
Co-Anchor for the courses handled
Modeling and Simulation of Third Generation Solar cells (Perovskite SC, Quantum Dot SC)
Mathematical Modeling of Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Semiconductor Device Modeling
Photovoltaic cells modeling and design
Computational Electromagnetics ( Microwave, Antenna Design)
Solid State Devices
Shreyus Goutham Kumar, Veerabhadra Swamy K V, Prashanth C R, Quantum Modeling of Transport Theory In A 1-D Nano Device, in International Conference on Circuits, Control, Communication and Computing (I4C), pp. 39-42, Oct, 2016.
Shreyus Goutham Kumar, Shanthveer Kanta, Prashanth C R, "Quantum Transport Modeling of 2-Dimensional Dual-Gate MOSFETs", in Third International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT) pp 750 - 754, Dec 2018.
Shreyus Goutham Kumar, Vishal M, A.S. Sathvik, Somawanshi Rajesh, Danamma, Prashanth C R, Design of Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna Arrays for 2.4 GHz Wireless Applications in AICTE Sponsored1st International E-Conference On Recent Trends & Development in Information and Communication Engineering (ICRTDIC-2020) pp 30 - 34, 23rd October 2020.
Shreyus Goutham Kumar, Antara P Shetty, Prashanth C R, Solar cell material based on the optimum values of key parameters using PC1D in 2nd International Conference of Emerging Technologies, Belgaum, May 21 - 23, 2021.
Shreyus Goutham Kumar, N. Suraj, Tadi Surya Teja Reddy, C. R. Prashanth, and Gajanan V. Honnavar. "Numerical Study on novel MASnBr 3 (Perovskite) based Tandem Photovoltaic Cell." In 2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2023.
Shreyus Goutham Kumar, N. Suraj, Anmol Pramod, C. R. Prashanth, and Gajanan V. Honnavar. "Investigating the Performance of a Wide Bandgap BaZrS 3 Perovskite Tandem Solar Cell." In 2023 International Conference on Smart Systems for applications in Electrical Sciences (ICSSES), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2023.
Shreyus Goutham Kumar, Niharika R. Munjoji, K. Abhinaya, and Gajanan V. Honnavar. "Numerical simulation of PbS quantum dot solar cell and optimisation of absorber layer." Materials Today: Proceedings (2023).
B.E. (ECE), The Oxford College of Engineering (VTU), 2006
M.S. (Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronic Devices), University of Surrey (U.K.), 2007