Dr. Geetha D
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Currently working as an Associate Professor, in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PES University, EC Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Obtained Ph.D under the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2017. Having a total of 15+ years of experience, including teaching Undergraduates, Postgraduates, and Research. Research areas of interest include Network Security in Wireless Networks, Wireless sensor Networks, Adhoc Networks, the Internet of Things, and Data Science. Published around 11 Research articles in Refereed Journals, and 16 papers presented at National and International conferences. Organized workshops on many technical areas at the college level, and delivered seminars and Guest lectures. Guided more than 45 batches at the UG level and more than 10 projects at the PG level. Member of the Institution of Engineers (India) and ISTE.
Associate Professor / CSE, PES University, EC Campus, Bangalore, Feb 2022 - Till Date
Associate Professor / ISE, BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Sep 2020 - Feb 2022
Associate Professor / CSE, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, June 2010 - March 2020
Lecturer, Vivekanandha College of Arts & Sciences for Women, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, Jun 2000 - Feb 2002
Lecturer, Paavai Women Polytechnic, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu., Jun1999 - May 2000
Funding assistance for the sum of Rs. 93,000/- was received for the successful conduction of AICTE-ATAL online FDP on Big Data and Analytics during Sep 20 – 24, 2021.
Compiler Design
Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Java
Computer Networks
Database Technologies
Database Management Systems
Blockchain and its Applications
Human Computer Interaction
Associate Professor in the Department of CSE
Network Security in Wireless Networks
Wireless sensor Networks
Internet of Things
Data Science
Blockchain Technology
Presented paper titled Application to suggest investments and trade in share market using Strategic Investment Algorithm and Robotic Process Automation in 3rd International Conference on Global Business Strategies for Sustainability (GLOBUSS 2021) organized by Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh from August 27-28, 2021.
Presented paper titled Performance Analysis of a Cricketer by Data Visualization in 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology organized by the Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Invertis University, Bareilly, U.P., India from 23-24 July, 2021.
Presented paper on A Completely Distributed Blockchain Period Authentication Framework in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Management ICETSEM-2021 organized by the International Journal of MC Square Scientific Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India from January 21 to 23, 2021.
Presented paper on Jamming Attack Model and Detection of Transmissions in Vehicular Networks in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics & Computer Science, Institute of Research and Journals in Association with International Institution for Science Technology Engineering and Management, Bengaluru on 20th January 2019.
Presented Paper on Black Spot Alert on Mobile Phones of Travellers in Indian Society for Technical Education Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai held on 28th Feb 2019.
Presented Paper on Security Implementation in Cloud Computing using User Behavior Profiling and Decoy Technology in International Conference on Future Technologies in Engineering by Science and Humanities, Sri Guru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore held on 22nd Feb 2019.
Presented Paper on Human and Animal Movement Detection in Agricultural Fields in International Conference on Future Technologies in Engineering by Science and Humanities, Sri Guru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore held on 22nd Feb 2019.
Presented paper on Automatic Text Detection in Natural Images in TEQIP-II Sponsored 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing and Communication organized by Department of CSE, Government College of Engineering, Bargur held on 17th & 18th March, 2016.
Presented paper on Shorten Fragmentation for In-Line Deduplication Backup Storage via Exploiting Backup History in TEQIP-II Sponsored 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing and Communication organized by Department of CSE, Government College of Engineering, Bargur held on 17th & 18th March, 2016.
Presented paper on Enhancing QoS in Hybrid Wireless Networks Using QoD Routing Protocol in TEQIP-II Sponsored 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing and Communication organized by Department of CSE, Government College of Engineering, Bargur held on 17th & 18th March, 2016.
Presented paper on To Implement Secure Identity-Based Set-ibs and Set-iboos Schemes for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks in 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh held on 27th February 2016.
Presented paper on Location Update Suitable for Geographic Routing in MANETs in 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Communication & Embedded Systems in S.A Engineering College, Chennai held on 27th & 28th Feb 2014.
Presented paper on Location Update for Highly Dynamic Adhoc Network in 3rd International Science Congress in Karunya University, Coimbatore held on 8th & 9th Dec 2013.
Presented paper titled “Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technology based Bridge Safety Monitoring System” in Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC-2022) IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OSV-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6941-8.
Presented paper titled “Visualising Chemistry Experiments Using NLP and Computer Graphics” in IEEE 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology, 3–5 March 2023, https://doi.org/10.1109/INOCON57975.2023.10101068.
Presented paper titled “Automated Script Evaluation using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing” in IEEE 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology, 3–5 March 2023, https://doi.org/10.1109/INOCON57975.2023.10101281.
Presented paper titled “Framework for Improving the Accuracy of the Machine Learning Model in Predicting Future Values” in 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology(I2CT) organized by IEEE Bombay Section during 7th to 9th April 2023.
D Geetha, V Kavitha, G Manikandan, and D Karunkuzhali 2021, Enhancement and Development of Next Generation Data Mining Photolithographic Mechanism, Journal of Physics-Conference Series, Volume 1964, ISSN: 1742-6588, E-ISSN: 1742-6596, July 2021.
V Kavitha, D Geetha, D Karunkuzhali, and G Manikandan 2021, A Completely Distributed Blockchain Period Authentication Framework, Journal of Physics-Conference Series, Volume 1964, ISSN: 1742-6588, E-ISSN: 1742-6596, July 2021.
Geetha, D & Divyashree, S P 2019, Jamming Attack Model and Detection of Transmissions Using Cognitive Radio Network in Vehicular Network, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, ISSN (Online) 2348-7968, Volume 6 Issue 5 - May 2019.
Geetha, D & Monisha, S P 2019, Human and Animal Movement Detection in Agricultural Fields, SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, ISSN 2348-8387, Volume 6 Issue 1- January 2019.
Harshitha G, Sreehari G, Mahesh Kumar S, Chinmai L, Dr. Geetha D 2022, Performance Analysis of a Cricketer by Data Visualization, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653, Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022.
G. Manikandan; D. Karunkuzhali; D. Geetha; V. Kavitha, ‘Design of an IoT Approach for Security Surveillance System for Industrial Process Monitoring Using Raspberry-Pi’, AIP Conference Proceedings 2519, 030024 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0109769.
S Bhavanisankari1, Geetha D, V. Sasirekha, B.Bharathi, S. Nikkath Bushra, ‘Methods of Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect the Boundaries of Melanoma’, Open access e-Journal Cardiometry, Issue 26, ISSN 2304-7232, February 2023.
H. Azath, J. Gokulraj, J. Surendiran, D.Geetha, T. R. Ganesh Babu, ‘Security for health information by elliptical curve Diffie-Hellman and improve energy efficiency in WBAN’, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Volume 2523, Issue 1, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0110677, Jan 2023.
D. Geetha, T. Sathiya, H. Azath, M. Ramkumar, T. R. Ganesh Babu, ‘Hybrid data mining-based breast prediction of COVID-19’, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Volume 2523, Issue 1, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0110241, Jan 2023.
J. Gokulraj, H. Azath, D. Geetha, M. Ramkumar, T. R. Ganesh Babu, ‘Diabetes Risk Prediction Model of Connected Organs Using Retinal Images’, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Volume 2523, Issue 1, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0110314, Jan 2023.
T. Sathiya, D. Geetha, J. Surendiran, H. Azath, T. R. Ganesh Babu, ‘Data Mining Based Chronic Kidney Disease (CKID) Prediction’, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Volume 2523, Issue 1, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0121841, Jan 2023.
Prerana M S, Sagarika M Chavan, Ramit Bathula, Sreenath Saikumar, Dr. Geetha Dayalan,’ Eval - Automatic Evaluation of Answer Scripts using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing’, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Volume 11, No.1, 316–323, ISSN:2147-6799, Jan 2023.
Geetha, D & Manimegali, B 2013, ‘Location Updation for Energy Efficient Geographic Routing in MANET’, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 12, Dec 2013, p-ISSN: 2321-7308, e-ISSN: 2319-1163.
Geetha, D & Sakthivel, S 2015, ‘MSK: Session Based User Centric Light Weight Key Management Scheme for Secure Data Access Control in Wireless Broadcast Networks’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 2 (2015) pp. 4663-4674 © Research India Publications.
Geetha, D, & 2016, ‘A Survey on Secure Data Transmission Over Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN 2319-5940, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2015.
Geetha, D, & 2016, ‘To Implement Secure Identity-Based Set-ibs and Set-iboos Schemes for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, ISSN 2319-8354, Volume 05, Issue S.I(01), Feb 2016.
Geetha, D & Sakthivel, S 2016, ‘Service Orient Stream Cipher Based Key Management Scheme for Secure Data Access Control Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Wireless Broadcast Networks’, American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1818-6785, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejsr.2016.11.1.2282, © IDOSI Publications, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 63-71.
Geetha, D & Sakthivel, S 2016, ‘Securing Multi Key Cryptography Policy based Session Authorized Access in Wireless Broad Cast Network’, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, ISSN 2249-7315, DOI: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00951.5, vol. 6, Special Conference Issue Sept 2016, pp. 130-141, Annexure-I.
Published a book chapter titled Accumulative Genome Fuzzy Prospecting Estimation Comparative Genomic Datain Cloud Computing with Wireless Network and Pattern Recognition, Dipti Press (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 978-81-952585-3-6 in May 2021.
Ph.D, Anna University, Chennai, 2017
M.E (CSE), Anna University, Coimbatore, 2010
B.E (CSE), Madras University, Chennai, 1999