Dr. Manikandan J
- Teaching
He is currently heading CORI (Crucible of Research and Innovation), a center for interdisciplinary exploration and CRSST (Center for Research in Space, Science and Technology) and is also a Professor with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), at PES University. He gained rich exposure to design related to avionics and spacecraft systems during his stints as Project Trainee at Indian Space Research Organization and as a scientist at Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), DRDO Lab. He received Best M.Tech Supervisor Award (Second Prize) from the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) for the year 2021, IETE Biman Behari Sen Memorial Award in 2015, BITES Best Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Board for IT Education Standards in 2015, Young Engineer Award in the year 2013 from the Institution of Engineers (India). He has six patent grants and five patents are under examination. He has published 125+ papers in International Journals/Conferences and has received nearly 1000 citations with h-index 17 and i10-index 28 for his research papers and has received a couple of best paper awards too. Three of his research papers published in reputed International Journals were listed in the Top 25 hottest articles ranking 3rd(IET Signal Processing), 8th (Elsevier Microprocessor and Microsystems), and 22nd(Elsevier Neurocomputing).
Research Scholar, National Institute of Technology, Trichy
Scientist 'B' and Scientist 'C, ADA, DRDO Labs, Bangalore
Project Trainee, ISRO Satellite Center, Bangalore
Project Trainee, LPSC, ISRO - Bangalore
Best Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Board for IT Education Standards.
Best M.Tech Thesis Award Supervisor (Second Prize) from the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
IETE Biman Behari Sen Memorial Award from the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE).
IEI Young Engineers Award 2013 from the Institution of Engineers (India).
Signals and Systems
Digital Electronics
Pattern Recognition
Research Methodology
Machine Learning
Autonomous Vehicle Technology
Principal Investigator - Funded Projects
Mentoring students on projects and offering internships
Director (CORI & CRSST)
Wireless Power Transfer Systems
FPGA and C based Embedded System Design
Pattern Recognition Algorithms and Systems
Signal Processing
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Contactless Underwater Lithium Ion Battery Charging funded by Naval Research Board (2014-16).
Design and Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Nodes for Various Applications funded by AICTE (2014-17).
Design of Reconfigurable Algorithms for Naval Applications funded by Naval Research Board (2014-17).
Study and Evaluation of Reconfigurable Computing concepts funded by AICTE (2013-16).
Study, Design and Development of Model based programming for FPGA based System Design funded under ISRO RESPOND Program (2018-20).
Study, Design and Development of Electronic Nose for Early fire detection funded under ISRO RESPOND Program (2021-2023).
Design of an AI and ML based cocoon sorting machine
J.Manikandan, "Design and Evaluation of Wireless Home Automation Systems", International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, New Delhi, 04 − 06 July 2016.
M.Jayaraman, C.T.Subramanian, J.Manikandan and J.Shakthivel, "LabVIEW based Monitoring, Control & Simulation Software for Electronic Pressure/Flow Controller", National Instruments Conference on Virtual Instrumentation, NI Days 2003-04.
J.Manikandan, "Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) for Fighter Aircrafts", Conference on Emerging Technologies and Flights of the Future (ET&FF-2006), Naval Institute of Aeronautical Technology, Kochi.
J.Manikandan, "Reconfigurable Communication-Navigation-Identification (CNI) System for Next Generation Fighter Aircrafts", Conference on Emerging Technologies and Flights of the Future (ET&FF-2006), Naval Institute of Aeronautical Technology, Kochi.
J.Manikandan, R.Ranjeet, S.Venugopal, B.Dayanand, V.Krishnamurthy and V.K.Agrawal, "Different Approaches of Designing an E-nose", National Conference on Olfaction and E-nose, 20-21 Apr 2012, Bangalore.
J.Manikandan, C.Niladri, S.Venugopalan, V.Krishnamurthy and V.K.Agrawal, "Design and Development of Electronic Nose for Various Applications" National workshop on Sensory Systems for Environmental Monitoring of Obnoxious Odors and VOCs in Industry, 07-08 Feb 2013, National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nagpur.
Amit Kumar Jha, Akshay Deep and Manikandan J, "Design of a Wall Climbing Robot for Multipurpose Applications using NI MyRIO and LabVIEW Software", National Instruments Conference, NI Days 2015, Bangalore, Nov 2015.
J.Manikandan and M.Jayachandran, "Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image Compression using Discrete Wavelet Transforms", IEEE & IETE International Radar Symposium India, IRSI 2005, Bangalore.
J.Manikandan and M.Jayachandran, "Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image Compression using Discrete Wavelet Transforms", IEEE & IETE International Radar Symposium India, IRSI 2005, Bangalore.
V.Amudha, B.Venkataramani and J.Manikandan, "FPGA implementation of isolated digit recognition system using modified back propagation algorithm", IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics Design, ICED 2008, 02-03 Dec 2008, Malaysia.
J. Manikandan and B.Venkataramani, "Diminishing Learning based SVM Classifier with Non-Linear Kernels", IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics Design, ICED 2008, 02-03 Dec 2008, Malaysia.
J.Manikandan, B.Venkataramani and V.Avanthi, "FPGA Implementation of Support Vector Machine based Isolated Digit Recognition System", IEEE Int. Conf. on VLSI Design, VLSI2009, 05-09 Jan 2009, pp.347-352, New Delhi.
M.Jayachandran, J.Manikandan and Y.Hwegy, "Design of a Stand Alone Navigation System using Position Estimation Algorithm", IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS2009, 12-17 July 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
J.Manikandan and B.Venkataramani, "Design of a Modified One-Against-All SVM Classifier", IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC2009, 11-14 Oct 2009, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
J.Manikandan, B.Venkataramani, P.Preeti, G. Sananda and K.V.Sadhana, "Implementation of a Phoneme Recognition System using Zero-Crossing and Magnitude Sum Function", IEEE International conference, TENCON 2009, 23-26 Nov 2009, Singapore.
J.Manikandan, B.Venkataramani, M.Bhaskar, K. Ashish, Rahul and Madhangi, "Implementation of a Novel Phoneme Recognition System using TMS320C6713 DSP", IEEE Int. Conf. on VLSI Design, VLSI 2010, 03-07 Jan 2010, Bangalore, India.
M.Jayachandran and J.Manikandan, "SAR Image Compression using Steganography", IEEE Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Engineering, ACE 2010, Bangalore, 21-22 June 2010, pp.203-206.
J.Manikandan, B.Venkataramani, S.Ramprasath, R.Prapanch and G.Natesh, "A Novel Phoneme Recognition System using Binary Feature Vector and Correlation based Classifier", IEEE Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Engineering, ACE 2010, Bangalore, 21-22 June 2010, pp.198-202.
J.Manikandan, B.Venkataramani, K.Girish, H.Karthic and V.Siddharth, "Hardware Implementation of Real-Time Speech Recognition System using TMS320C6713 DSP," IEEE Int. Conf. on VLSI Design, VLSI 2011, 02-07 Jan 2011, IIT Madras.
M.Jayachandran and J.Manikandan, "Software Reconfigurable State-of-the-art Communication Suite for Fighter Aircraft", IEEE Int. Conf. on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, CSNT 2011, Jammu, 03-06 June 2011, pp.729-733.
J.Manikandan and B.Venkataramani, "Hardware implementation of Voice operated robot using Support Vector Machine Classifier," IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Computing, 13-15 Dec 2012, Chennai.
Naresh V., B.Venkataramani, Abhishek K and J.Manikandan, "PSoC based Isolated Speech Recognition System," IEEE Int. Conf. on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 13, 03-05 Apr 2013.
M.Jayachandran and J.Manikandan, "Design of a wireless controlled water pump," Int. Conf. on Science and Technology Towards the Development of East Africa, ICST 2013, 17-19 May 2013, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
J.Manikandan, C.Niladri, S.Venugopal, V.Krishnamurthy and V.K.Agrawal, "Wireless Sensor Node for Green Environment", Int. Conf. on Human Computer Interaction, 23-24 Aug 2013, Chennai.
J.Manikandan, R.Nandakumar, Jude Periera and V.K.Agrawal, "Navigation Techniques for Mobile Robot", Int. Conf. on Computing Cybernetics and Intelligent Information Systems, 21-23 Nov 2013, VIT University.
J.Manikandan and V.K.Agrawal, "Digital Circuit Design using Support Vector Machines", IEEE Int. Conf. on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 07-09 Apr 2014, Bhopal.
Senthilkumar E, J.Manikandan and V.K.Agrawal, "FPGA Implementation of Dynamically Tunable Filters", IEEE Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, 24-27 Sep 2014, Greater Noida, Delhi.
Senthilkumar E, Manikandan J and V. K. Agrawal., "Design and Evaluation of FPGA based Frequency Demodulators", IEEE Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, Aug 2015, Kochi, pp. 668-674.
Manikandan J, Akash S, Vishwanath A, Nandakumar R, Agrawal VK and Manu Korulla, "Design and Development of Contactless Battery Charger for Underwater Vehicles", Michael Faraday IET International Summit, 12-13 Sep 2015, Kolkata, pp. 1-6.
Senthilkumar E, Santoshkumar NV, Manikandan J and V. K. Agrawal., "FPGA Implementation of Reconfigurable Frequency Demodulators", IEEE Int. Conf. on Computing and Network Communications, Dec 2015, Trivandrum, pp. 316-323.
Santha Meena S, Shilpa Bhajantri and Manikandan J, "Dimensions of Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network", IEEE Int. Conf. on Information Processing, Dec 2015, Pune.
Vaishnavi, Titiksha, Vinay and Manikandan J, "Design and Evaluation of Universal Modulators", 12th IEEE INDICON Conference, Dec 2015, Delhi.
Nishanth VA and Manikandan J, "SAR Image compression using Relevance Vector Machines", 12th IEEE INDICON Conference, Dec 2015, Delhi.
Nishanth VA and Manikandan J, "Sparse representation using Optimum Threshold based Relevance Vector Machines", 12th IEEE INDICON Conference, Dec 2015, Delhi.
Bhuvanesh D, Manjunath Hegde and Manikandan J, "Design and Development of a Mobile Wireless Video Streaming Mote", 5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Dec 2015, Hyderabad.
Manikandan J, Shruthi S, Mangala SJ and Agrawal VK, "Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Coders for Communication Systems", 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on VLSI Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications, 10 - 12 Jan 2016, Bangalore.
J.Manikandan, Vishwanath A, Agrawal VK and Manu Korulla, "Indigenous Design and Development of Underwater Wireless Power Transfer System", 22nd National Conference on Communications NCC 2016, IIT Guwahati, 04 - 06 March 2016.
J.Manikandan and M.Jayachandran, "Control a Three Phase Full-Wave rectifier with an FPGA", Embedded Systems Design Magazine, Vol. 19, No.11, November 2006, pp.28-39. International Conferences
J.Manikandan, V.Subba Rao and V.K.Prabhulla Chandran, "RS422-to-RS232 Level Converter", Electronics For You (EFY) Magazine, Vol.40, No.4, April 2008, pp.113-114.
J.Manikandan and B.Venkataramani, "Study and Evaluation of a multi class SVM classifier using Diminishing Learning Technique". Elsevier Neurocomputing, Vol.73, Issue 10-12, June 2010, pp.1676-1685. Listed in Top 25 Hottest Articles by Sciencedirect (Ranked 22). Impact Factor : 1.434.
J.Manikandan, M.Jayaraman and M.Jayachandran, "Design of an FPGA-based Electronic flow Regulator for Spacecraft Propulsion System". Elsevier Advances in Space Research, Vol.47, Issue 3, February 2011, pp.488-495. Impact Factor : 1.076.
J.Manikandan and B.Venkataramani, "Design of a Real Time Automatic Speech Recognition System using modified one against all SVM Classifier". Elsevier Microprocessor and Microsystems, Vol.35, Issue 6, August 2011, pp.568-578. Listed in Top 25 Most Popular Articles by Sciencedirect (Ranked 8). Impact Factor : 0.553.
J.Manikandan and B.Venkataramani, "Evaluation of Multi-class SVM Classifiers using Optimum threshold based Pruning Technique". IET Signal Processing, Vol.5, Issue 5, August 2011, pp.506-513. Listed in Top 25 Most Popular Articles by IET (Ranked 3). Impact Factor : 0.741.
J.Manikandan and B.Venkataramani, "System-on-programmable-chip implementation of diminishing learning based pattern recognition system". Springer International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol.4, Issue 4, August 2013, pp.347-363.
Kunal Y.P., J. Manikandan and V.K.Agrawal, "Design and Evaluation of N-module Reconfigurable Systems," in Springer Book Title Intelligent Computing, Networking and Informatics, Jan 2014, pp.259-266.
J. Manikandan, V.K.Agrawal and B.Venkataramani, "Design of a Biometric Security System using Support Vector Machine Classifier" in Springer Book Title Intelligent Computing, Networking and Informatics, Jan 2014, pp.173-181.
AK Singh, HV Kumar, GR Kadambi, JK Kishore, J Shuttleworth and J.Manikandan, "Quality Metrics Evaluation of hyper spectral Images", ISPRS Journal - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-8, 2014. Also ISPRS Technical Commission VIII Symposium 09-12 Dec 2014, Hyderabad. pp. 1221-1226.
Sweta, Srikanth Chintala and Manikandan J, "The Xilinx Experience Feature : How to Port PetaLinux onto your Xilinx FPGA", Xilinx Xcell Journal, Issue 90, First Quarter 2015, pp. 46 - 54.
J.Manikandan, M.Jayachandran and M.Jayaraman, "Electronic Flow Regulator (EFR) using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)", Eighth IEEE VLSI Design and Test Workshop, VDAT 2004, Mysore.
Patent Title: Circuit Emulator using Support Vector Machine Classifier. Status: Published in Indian Patent Office Journal dated 19/02/2016 Page No. 8495.
Patent Title: Speech based Scriber for Visually Impaired Students. Status: Published in Indian Patent Office Journal dated 07/02/2020 Page No. 7365.
Patent Title: Digital Circuit Realization using Simulated Annealing. Status: Published in Indian Patent Office Journal dated 13/03/2020 Page No. 13784.
Patent Title: Digital Circuit Realization with Partitioning. Status: Published in Indian Patent Office Journal dated 22/05/2020 Page No. 19495.
Patent Title: Smart Suitcase. Status: Published in Indian Patent Office Journal dated 05/06/2020 Page No. 21119.
Patent Title: Smart Container with a Portable Weighing Plate Status: Published in Indian Patent Office Journal dated 12/06/2020 Page No. 21947.
Patent Title: Fast Support Vector Machine (FSVM) Classifier for Streaming Data. Status : Published in Indian Patent Office Journal dated 24/08/2018 Page No. 32023.
Ph.D (ECE), NIT Trichy
ME in Communication Systems (ECE), NIT Trichy
BE (ECE), Thanthai Periyar Govt. Institute of Technology, Vellore (Madras University)