Dr. Nirmala Devi M
- Teaching
Full Professor with 27+ years of academic experience with Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Having significant contribution in the domain of VLSI System Design, Testing and Hardware Security Research Looking for career enhancement with the major focus on Research Mentorship and Execution for enriching research blended learning for Academic excellence.
Lecturer - Professor, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, 1996 - 2023
Professor, PESU, RR Campus, Bengaluru, 2023 - Till date
Professor, Department of ECE
Involved in the development of side channel analysis and Machine learning based Hardware Trojan Detection schemes. • Quality publications in Q1 journals including IEEE Transactions and well reputed conferences including VLSID & VDAT.
• Served as PI, Co-PI and Team member of various funded R&D projects in Computational Intelligence and hardware security domain • Established Hardware Security Funded lab setup aided by DRDO
Have been invited as an Academic Expert to review the four-year Project SANVIKSHA at DRDO, New Delhi - 19 February 2025
Had been invited as member of the Department Advisory Board (DAB)- Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore - July 2024
Had been invited as External Examiner for the PhD - Defence of Ms. Priyadarshini at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore - Oct 2024
Co-PI for the Internal Research Funded Project On "Predictive Health Analysis on Diabetes Meletus" - A Study - INR 7.6 Lakhs, Two Years from December 2024
Principal Investigator for the External Research Project titled " AI/ML based Hardware Trojan Testing" - funded by DRDO Lab, New Delhi. Fund Amount: INR 47.465 Lakhs; Duration: 30 Months (2.5 Years) Project Sanction Date: 10/10/2024
Digital CMOS Integrated Circuits, VLSI Design and Testing, Hardware Security and Verification, Electronic Devices and Crcuits, Analog & Linear Integrated Circuits, Digital VLSI Design, Microprocessors, Analog Communication Engineering, Digital System Design
Machine Intelligence for Hardware Security and Trust
The Research Coordinator - Dept. of ECE, PES University
In-charge of the DRDO Sponsored Hardware Security Research Lab, B701 - BE Block, PESU - RR Campus
M. Priyatharishini, Pre-Silicon Hardware Trojan Detection to Enhance Security in VLSI Circuits Using Computational Intelligence Algorithms , 12 December 2023
Arun Kumar Sundar Rajan , Implementation and Evaluation of Hypervisor for Automotive Heterogeneous Hard Real-Time Embedded Applications on A Multicore Platform, 12 February 2021.
R. Sree Ranjani, Enhanced Hardware Trojan Detection and Prevention Techniques To Ensure A Secured Hardware With Improved Performance Metrics, 10 May 2019
Ramesh Bhakthavatchalu, A Reconfigurable Logic BIST Architecture For Secure Testing of VLSI Circuits, 22 February 2016
VLSI Systems Design and Testing, Hardware Security of System-on- chip, Design for Security, Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence
VLSI Systems Design and Testing, Hardware Security of System-on- chip, Design for Security, Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence
AI/ML based Hardware Trojan Testing
Automated structural evolution and performance Optimization of RF band passes filter - An Evolutionary Algorithmic Design Approach (ISRO/RES/3//18-19),
Capacity, bit error rate and performance evaluation of MIMO based Communication System on Minimized Multipath Environment, (ISRO/RES/3/740/17-18)
Hardware Trojan Detection and Consistency based Analysis, (ERIP/ER/1503187/M/01/1582) Principal Investigator: Dr. Nirmala Devi M , Period: Two Years, Nov 2015- Nov 2017, Date of Completion: 31 March 2018 Amount: Rs. 23.457, Agency: DRDO, SAG - Delhi
Predictive Fault Diagnosis in Nuclear Power Plants Using Deep Learning Techniques,, (59/14/03/2019-BRNS/34090),
Sree Ranjani Rajendran, Nirmala Devi , M, M Jayakumar, A Node Reduction Technique for Trojan Detection and Diagnosis in IoT Hardware Devices, Internet of Things, March 2022, pp.43-64. DOI: 10.1201/9781003219620-3
Sahana, C., Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M. Unconventional Structure Based Dual-band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna for GAGAN Receivers INDICON 2022 - 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference, 2022
Vaishnavi Sankar, Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M. Hardware Trojan Detection and Diagnosis through Synthesis and Validation using Game Theory INDICON 2022 - 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference, 2022.
Sankar, V., Balachander Sathianarayanan, Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M., Reliability Enhancement of Hardware Trojan Detection using Histogram Augmentation Technique, January 2023, 2023 36th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2023 22nd International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID). DOI: 10.1109/VLSID57277.2023.00079
Karthigha Balamurugan, Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M., Low Noise Amplifier at 60 GHz Using Low Loss On-Chip Inductors, August 2023, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023(1):1-15 (IF: 2.4, Scopus % : 62, h-index:34, Q2), DOI: 10.1155/2023/2469673
Sankar, V., Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M. Guided Data Augmentation Scheme Combined with Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm for Hardware Trojan Detection to Enhance Communication Security, International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, 2022, 12(4), pp. 251–260 . (Scopus IF: 1.495, Scopus%: 68) DOI: https://doi.org/10.15866/irecap.v12i4.21578
Sundar Rajan, A.K., Nirmala Devi, M., Software-Based Approach for Sharing Real- Time Peripherals in a Virtualized Automotive Microcontroller Platform , SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles , 2021, 4(2), pp. 205– 220 DOI 10.4271/12-04-02-0016
Ankathi, S., Vignan, S., Athukuri, S., ...Balamurugan, K., Nirmala Devi, M., A 5– 7 GHz current reuse and gm-boosted common gate low noise amplifier with LC based ESD protection in 32 nm CMOS, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, March 2017, 90(3), pp. 573–589. (IF: 1.321, Scopus%: 41, hindex :51) , DOI 10.1007/s10470-016-0915-x
Sundar Rajan, A.K., Feucht, A., Gamer, L., Smaili, I., M., Nirmala Devi., M., Hypervisor for consolidating real-time automotive control units: Its procedure, implications and hidden pitfalls, Journal of Systems Architecture, Jan 2018, 82, pp. 37–48 (IF: 5.836, Scopus % : 79, hindex:53), DOI 10.1016/j.sysarc.2018.01.001
Ganesan, M., Lavanya, R., Nirmala Devi, M., , Fault detection in satellite power system using convolutional neural network, Telecommunication Systems, April 2021, 76(4), pp. 505–511 (IF:2.33 , Scopus % : 71, hindex: 54), DOI 10.1007/s11235-020-00722-5.
Shiny, M.I., Nirmala Devi, M., Trustworthy Scan Design and Testability Using Obfuscation and Logic Locking Scheme for Wireless Network Application, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2022, 27(3), pp. 1000–1018 (IF: 3.662 Scopus %: 82, h index :89), DOI 10.1007/s11036-021-01857-8
Sahana, C., Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M., Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Annular Ring Patch Antenna for GPS-Aided GEO-Augmented Navigation Receivers, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Sept. 2022, 21(9), pp. 1737–1741 ( IF: 3.825, Scopus: 87%, h index :126), DOI 10.1109/LAWP.2022.3178980
Rajat Subhra Chakraborty ; Samuel Pagliarini ; Jimson Mathew ; Sree Ranjani Rajendran ; M. Nirmala Devi, A Flexible Online Checking Technique to Enhance Hardware Trojan Horse Detectability by Reliability Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 5(2),7820075, pp. 260-270, 2017 (IF: 6.595, Scopus%: 92, h index : 48). DOI 10.1109/TETC.2017.2654268
Priyatharishini, M., Nirmala Devi, M., A deep learning based malicious module identification using stacked sparse auto- encoder network for VLSI circuit reliability, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2022, 194, 111055 (IF: 5.131, Scopus % : 95), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111055
Sahana, C., Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M., Hexagonal-Triangular Co mbinatorial Structure Based Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna for GAGAN Receivers, January 2023, IEEE Access, 11, PP 23205 - 23216, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3252913
Shiny, M.I., Nirmala Devi, M., PUF Based on Chip Comparison Technique for Trustworthy Scan Design Data Security against Side Channel Attack, International Journal of Cloud Computing 12(2/3/4):1, January 2023, DOI: 10.1504/IJCC.2023.10053098.
Vaishnavi Sankar, Nirmala Devi, M., Jayakumar, M., Data Augmented Hardware Trojan Detection Using Label Spreading Algorithm Based Transductive Learning for Edge Computing-Assisted IoT Devices, IEEE Access, 2022, 10, pp. 102789–102803 (IF:3.476, Scopus%: 90%, h-index:158), DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3209705
Balachander Sathianarayanan, Singh Samant, Y.C., Conjeepuram Guruprasad, P.S., Hariharan, V.B., Nirmala Devi M., Feature-based augmentation and classification for tabular data, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 2022, 7(3), pp. 481–491. (IF: 7.985, Scopus%: 92, h index : 21 ). https://doi.org/10.1049/cit2.12123
M. Nirmala Devi, Vaishnavi Sankar., Graph Based Heterogeneous Feature Extraction for Enhanced Hardware Trojan Detection at Gate-Level Using Optimized Xgboost Algorithm, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Volume 220, October 2023, 113320 (IF: 5.7, Scopus % : 95), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113320
Kumar, B.P., Nirmala Devi, M , An Effective Logic Obfuscation Technique with AES Encryption Module for Design Protection, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 98, pp. 18–28.
Shashank Pathak, Nirmala Devi M., Preventing Data Leakage by Trojans in Commercial and ASIC Applications Using TDM and DES Encryption and Decryption, In book: Advanced IoT Sensors, Networks and Systems, June 2023 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-1312-1_8
Sundar Rajan, A.K., Nirmala Devi, M , Virtualizing an Automotive State-of-the-Art Microcontroller: Techniques and Its Evaluation, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, 2021, pp. 19–36. DOI :10.1007/978-3-030-59897- 6_2
Ph. D., Anna University - Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2010