Dr. Vignesh Ramamoorthy H
Associate Professor
- Teaching
Dr. Vignesh Ramamoorthy H, with over 14 years of experience in teaching, training, and consultancy in Computer Science. His academic credentials include an M.Sc SE., MCA., M.Phil., Ph.D.. He has completed over 50 online certifications, covering fields from Elsevier and MOOC platforms to Cisco and AWS, including specialized training in cybersecurity. Dr. Vignesh’s dedication to research and education is reflected in his extensive scholarly contributions, which include 55 national and 68 international conference presentations, 50 journal publications in UGC, Scopus, and Web of Science indexed journals, and 15 authored books with additional chapters in 14 edited volumes. Seven of his conference papers have won ‘Best Paper’ awards. He is also actively involved in editorial and review roles for 25 reputed international journals. An invited speaker at over 90 events, Dr. Vignesh has also trained students internationally, including a virtual web development course for Jamaican students. He has received several grants from prominent organizations, such as the ICSSR, CSIR, TNSCST and DRDO, supporting initiatives on diverse topics from women empowerment in technology to security for autonomous systems. He actively participates in professional societies and has mentored numerous hackathons, FDPs, and workshops across the country. His contributions extend to media, where he has delivered talks on platforms like All India FM Rainbow Radio and participated in awareness shows on environmental conservation.
Python Programming
Java Enterprise Application Development
Guiding one scholar (part time)
Computer Networks
Mobile Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Teaching and Learning Pedagogy
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) - Rs. 3,34,000
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - Rs. 15,000
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) - Rs. 30,000
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) - Rs. 27,500
Computer Networking - A Practical Guide, published in ACE Publishers, June 2023, ISBN: 978-93-5891-350-7.
Transportation Problems by Topologized Graphs published in RK Publishers, May 2023, ISBN: 978-93-5768-706-5.
Reliable Cloud based Secured Architecture published in KAVV Publishers, December 2022, ISBN: 978-93-5768-165-0.
Essentials of Operating Systems published in LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LAP), November 2021, ISBN: 978-620-4-71667-1.
Principles of Infrastructure Management published in LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LAP), February 2021, ISBN: 978-620-3-30310-0.
Secured Energy Optimization Techniques for WSN published in ACE Publishers, December 2020, ISBN: 978-93-5759-844-6.
Fundamentals of Computer Networks published in LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LAP), July 2020, ISBN: 978-620-2-68244-2.
Hybrid Routing Scheme of Multi Agent Ant Based System in MANET published in LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LAP), June 2019, ISBN: 978-620-0-23001-0.
‘A Survey on Chromecast Digital Device’ published in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2018, Page - 36 to 41, ISSN: 2349-5162 (Impact Factor: 5.87), UGC approved journal no.: 63975.
‘An Automated Application for Choice Based Credit System’ published in International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT), Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2019, Page – 666 to 670, ISSN: 2321–9637, DOI: 10.32622/ijrat.72201950, (Impact Factor: 5.153), UGC approved journal no.: 48768.
‘Anticipate Pattern Mining and Temporary Data Features Extraction in Medical Care System - A Study’ published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2019, Page – 310 to 314, ISSN: 2349-5162, (Impact Factor: 5.87), UGC approved journal no.: 63975.
‘An Analysis of Digital Forensics in Cyber Security’, published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies (IJSRCSAMS), ISSN 2319 – 1953, Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2019, (Impact Factor: 0.654), UGC approved journal no.: 63611.
‘Survey on Discovery Practices of Black Hole Attack’, published in International Journal of Information and Computing Science (IJICS), Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2019, Page – 486 to 492, ISSN:0972-1347, (Impact Factor: 5.2), DOI:16.10089. IJICS.2019. V6I5.18.3125, UGC approved journal no.: 22940.
‘Improving the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network through Energy Proficient AODV Protocol’, published in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F9021.088619, Volume 8, Issue 6, August 2019, Page – 3016 to 3020, ISSN: 2249-8958, (Impact Factor: 5.97), UGC CARE – ‘A’, journal no.: 189, SCOPUS indexed.
‘Improved Trust based Variants of AODV Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks’, published in JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory (JCT), Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2019, Page – 1031 to 1039, DOI: 19.18001.AJCT.2019. V12I12.19.11610, ISSN: 0731-6755, (Impact Factor: 5.7), UGC CARE – ‘A’, journal no.: 18482.
‘Energy Proficient and Secured Routing Architecture using WSN for Habitat Monitoring’ in International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research (IJLPR), Special Issue 8 - Advancements in Applications of Microbiology and Bioinformatics in Pharmacology, January 2020, Page – 91 to 97, ISSN 2250 – 0480, (Impact Factor: 7.578), indexed in Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index (eSCI).
‘ABC-PSO based routing for Wireless Sensor Network using AODV Protocol’, published in International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research (IJSTR), Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2020, Page – 1438 to 1442, ISSN: 2277-8616, (Impact Factor: 3.023), UGC CARE – ‘A’, journal no.: 208, SCOPUS indexed.
‘Efficient and Enhanced Data Encryption in Cloud Computing’, published in The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis (IJAEMA), Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2020, Page – 611 to 616, ISSN: 0886 – 9367, (Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 6.3), UGC-CARE Group 'II' Journals list Serial No.: 36272, DOI:18.0002.IJAEMA.2020.V12I3.200001.0156088.
‘MOBI-X Construction Representation for Mobile Agent Mining in Horticulture Application’ in International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research (IJLPR), Special Issue 20 - Exploratory Research Opportunities of Computing in Life Sciences, March 2022, Page – 27 to 38, ISSN 2250 – 0480, (Impact Factor: 7.578), indexed in Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index (eSCI).
‘Analysis on Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in WSN for Wildlife Habitat Monitoring’ in International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research (IJLPR), Special Issue 20 - Exploratory Research Opportunities of Computing in Life Sciences, March 2022, Page – 15 to 26, ISSN 2250 – 0480, (Impact Factor: 7.578), indexed in Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index (eSCI).
‘A Novel Trust based Routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks’, published in International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research (IJSTR), Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2019, Page – 1152 to 1156, ISSN: 2277-8616, (Impact Factor: 3.023), UGC CARE – ‘A’, journal no.: 208, SCOPUS indexed.
‘Case Study on Tri-Phase Nature Inspired Models for Uncertainty Handling in Early Prediction of Dyslexia Among Children’ in International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research (IJLPR), Special Issue 20 - Exploratory Research Opportunities of Computing in Life Sciences, March 2022, Page – 5 to 14, ISSN 2250 – 0480, (Impact Factor: 7.578), indexed in Web of Science, eSCI.
‘Effect of Assistive Learning Technology for Individuals with Disabilities’, in the NOVYI MIR Research Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2023 (Impact Factor: 5.3), UGC-CARE Group 2 Journal, ISSN: 0130-7673.
‘Face Counterfeit Detection in National Identity Cards using Image Steganography’ in the European Chemical Bulletin, Volume 12 , Special Issue 3, Page – 548 to 559, March 2023, ISSN: 2063-5346, SCOPUS indexed.
‘Payload Injection using Metasploit Framework’ in the European Chemical Bulletin, Volume 12, Special Issue 9, Page – 2275 to 2279, July 2023, ISSN: 2063-5346, SCOPUS indexed.
‘Medical Internet of Things Enabled Intelligent Remote Patient Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network Technologies and Abnormality Detection Using Convolution Neural Network’, published in Chinese Journal Of Computational Mechanics, Issue 5, September 2023, page – 75 to 80, ISSN: 1007-4708, SCOPUS indexed.
‘A Forecasting Model of Predicting Cryptocurrency Price’, published in Mapana –Journal of Sciences (MJS), page – 279 to 282, 2023, Vol. 22, Special Issue 2, ISSN 0975-3303, indexed in UGC-CARE List - Group I, Sr.No. 330, Sciences.
‘Hybrid Routing Scheme of Multi Agent Ant Based System in MANET’ published in International Journal of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Digital Xplore, Volume 5, No.6, September 2014, Page – 40 to 46, DOI: 10.1109/ICICES.2014.7033789, ISSN: 978-1-4799-3834-6/14, SCOPUS and Web of Science indexed.
‘Diabetes Forecasting using Modified RBF Neural Networks’ published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies (IJSRCSAMS), Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2014, ISSN: 2319 – 1953 (Impact Factor: 0.465), UGC approved journal no.: 63611.
‘Hybrid Routing Scheme based on Node Position and Ant Colony for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks’ published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies (IJSRCSAMS), Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2014, ISSN: 2319 – 1953 (Impact Factor: 0.465), UGC approved journal no.: 63611.
‘A New Proposal for Route Finding in Mobile AdHoc Networks’ published in International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), Volume 5, No. 7, June 2013, Page – 1 to 8, ISSN: 2074-9090 (print), ISSN: 2074-9104 (online), DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2013.07.01, SCOPUS indexed.
Mobility Assisted OTA Working out for Backscatter Sensor Networks using Machine Learning (2020)
A Vehicle Simulation Tool by providing WSN inside the Vehicle with AI and ML based Interfaces (2021)
A Hybrid Model of IOT and Cloud Computing to manage Big Data in Smart Home Services (2022)
M.Sc Software Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 2010
M.C.A, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 2012
Post Graduate Diploma in Mobile Computing, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, 2012
M.Phil, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 2014
Ph.D., Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 2020