Dr. Preethi S.J
Assistant Professor
- Teaching
Preethi S.J holds a B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication from Adichunchanigi Institute of Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. She earned her M.Tech. degree in computer science from Bapuji Institute of Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. She has received her Ph.D in Electronics and Communication Engineering from PES University, Bengaluru. Her areas of specialization include biometrics, image and video processing, machine learning, and deep learning.
Class Incharge
Lab Incharge
Summer-Term co-ordinator
Departmental works- IQAC
Project guide
Biometrics, Image and Video processing, Machine learning, and Deep learning
Preethi, S. J., and B. Niranjana Krupa. "ShaveNet: Facial hair removal preprocessing framework for Face and Visual-Speech biometrics." In 2024 11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), pp. 117-122. IEEE, 2024.
Shreekumar, Jayanth, Ganesh K. Shet, P. N. Vijay, S. J. Preethi, and Niranjana Krupa. "Improved viseme recognition using generative adversarial networks." In 2020 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON), pp. 1118-1123. IEEE, 2020.
Sindhura, P. V., S. J. Preethi, and Krupa B. Niranjana. "Convolutional neural networks for predicting words: A lip-reading system." In 2018 international conference on electrical, electronics, communication, computer, and optimization techniques (ICEECCOT), pp. 929-933. IEEE, 2018. (Received Best paper award for the session)
“Image Enhancement techniques for improving the quality of Color and Gray scale medical images”- Published in National conference on “Information & Communication Technology” [NCICT-10] held at NYSSCOE, Nagpur on 23-24 Dec 2010
“Paired Carrier Multiple Access (PCMA) for satellite communication” – Published in National conference on “Futuristic computer Applications” held at AISSMS-IOIT, Pune on 24th December 2009.
Seegehalli, Preethi Jayappa, and B. Niranjana Krupa. "Lightweight 3D-StudentNet for defending against face replay attacks." Signal, Image and Video Processing (2024): 1-17.
Seegehalli, Preethi Jayappa, and B. Niranjana Krupa. "Deep hybrid architectures and DenseNet35 in speaker-dependent visual speech recognition." Signal, Image and Video Processing 18, no. 5 (2024): 4875-4889.
Preethi, S. J. "Analyzing lower half facial gestures for lip reading applications: Survey on vision techniques." Computer Vision and Image Understanding 233 (2023): 103738.
Additional Information
She has participated in many faculty development programs, published research papers in various journals, and presented papers at various international and national conferences. Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_gqTxvQAAAAJ&hl=en